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  1. Septih

    Woooo Hospital!

    After gaining knowledge of American hospitals from last nights south park, you defiantly have HIV now :(
  2. Septih


    Don't think i'll make any this year, just not been that fussed about live music since leeds, dunno why.. ATPs have interested me, almost got to go to the mars volta one but it was on an awkward date :(
  3. Septih


    Similar for me, I graduate from uni on the 27th of June and despite having vague ideas of what I want to do I'm far from certain. Don't even know what part of the country I want to be in - the best jobs for me are in the midlands but my girlfriend will probably be in newcastle and i'm preferring...
  4. Septih


    OK, fine. I'm secretly upset because I didn't notice it. Happy?
  5. Septih


    Didn't notice it. Shaking is fairly normal in our house. /care
  6. Septih

    Care Bears

  7. Septih

    Muse - Black Holes and Revelations

    Good album, but starlight is far too poppy for me. Saw them at the second wembley date but having my camera stolen slightly marred my memories of it. Oh and **** the golden circles, 8 hours on a coach and i can't get the front because it's first come first served.
  8. Septih

    The end of the world.

    Stand closer to the nuke/meteor/doomsday device than your kids?
  9. Septih

    i need to learn how to program

    Developed by my uni, explains a lot too...
  10. Septih

    Saul Williams + Trent Reznor....

    Someone _did_ post about this when it came out :P Tis a good album, but I don't say I listen to it that frequently.
  11. Septih

    Nine Inch Noels

    Listening now, up to the hurt one... rofl
  12. Septih

    Talking to yourself

    Simple. You're addressing the aliens watching your life as a TV show :)
  13. Septih

    WOW, srs business.

    /yawn @ wow bashing, though i'd be worried too if i thought i'd cry over not being allowed to play a game. I like how the first threat was to turn the hard drive off..
  14. Septih

    Sweeney Todd

    I was going to be in a school production of this back when i was 12 but it fell through, I was cast as the judge and had learnt all my lines :( Forgotten most of it now but am looking forward to seeing this, might also check out a stage performance too seeing as you speak so highly of it Qhartb
  15. Septih


    I liked monstrous regiment too, not sure what people find wrong with it. I'm also a fan of the watch series, some of the witches ones are good too, but generally they're all good reads :) Need to pick up Making Money at some point. Hope his alzhiemers isn't too bad :( Oh, btw, try and find a...
  16. Septih

    Lends me your brains!

    Righto, for one of my final year uni modules, I need to build an online application that builds up data by looking at other websites, preferably XML/RSS feeds. I initially wanted to do this with the (football(soccer)) premier league and build up my own table site using their results, etc. But...
  17. Septih

    Top 5 albums of 2007

    1. Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero / Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D (In This Twilight) / (The Beginning of the End (Ladytron)) 2. Radiohead - In Rainbows (Weird Fishes) 3. Frank Turner - Sleep is for the Week (My Kingdom for a Horse) 4. Jimmy Eat World - Chase this Light (Dizzy) 5. Justice - Cross (Phantom...
  18. Septih

    funniest/oddest death you witnessed.

    I have a friend who was driving home and had he gone a bit faster would have had a pheasant fly into him via his window. That would've been a pretty good way to go...
  19. Septih

    I am completely incensed at this Yahoo flash

    funny bones was awesomes.
  20. Septih

    Bands that used to be good but now suck tool

    I thought this was bands that were good and now suck, not bands that were good and are now less good (see muse, NIN) As for DCFC - Plans, it's good, so njeer!