Weird how does it not make you feel good? What was the thing that you did? Seriously curious because if it didn't make me feel good to do it I wouldn't. I might feel LAZY to do something, but still do it but end up feeling good in the end, etc, but that's different.
If you check out the AMA on reddit it's exactly like I stated. Many of the highest upvoted posts were ignored because they posed questions that they'd prefer not answer during the election cycle. Of course the reddit hivemind ate it up.
because it makes you feel good to treat others the way you would expect them to treat you. its fun to do nice things for people even if you dont get the end result you were shooting for you still feel good most of the time so that's why. sounds selfish but its true- to feel good myself is why...
A bunch of lame Jay Carney handpicked answers? I think I'll pass. Also on the 'online petition' site if a question they don't like to answer makes enough signatures they simply ignore it. Typical.
ok cool i was gonna say. its hard to tell by text
Harasser isn't going to do a thing but stop because they were confronted. If it doesn't work out this way I'd be surprised. Of course he should arrive with protection but that's a given to me anywhere we go.
I think it started to drag a little when they were on the farm basically.. just living farm life. The only drama that happened was because of children or dumb decisions (Hershel going to the bar, etc)
I'm excited to see what will happen at the prison. That'd be a decent place but I imagine...
its a euphemism it doesn't have to mean literally murder the person. When you tell a little brother you're gonna kill 'em does it mean you're going to put him into an early grave? nah. I dont worry about justice so much as protecting my own. I dont think anybody who knows me would ever say...
As someone who never read the comics or source material the show is great fun. My wife even likes it and she usually doesnt like scary type stuff. It's a good show.
Wrong. Bush and Obama have both used executive orders to circumvent Congress. Whether you agree with the RESULT of what they did or not, the METHOD they did so is a serious threat to freedom and this precedent you can guarantee will be abused by future Presidents. If they continue to issue...
Organize a self defense militia of fellow citizens and use the training you've received thus far to train them. Better to be self sufficient than depend on the state. Be armed!
No, they should definitely not. You erode the power of the legislature and increase the power of the executive branch. The US is not ruled by one man. The President's powers are limited for a purpose. The solution to a poorly performing Congress is elections, NOT simply increasing without...
Well we escaped it too. 110's is a typical summertime high temperature for us. It's actually been cooler than normal this summer. Lots of rain from monsoons.
Aside from being sarcastic thank you for being the only person to actually reply to the question rather than going ape about my prediction.
I do believe Obama may enact some executive orders to bypass Congress again like he has in the past. I am worried about this because it seriously erodes...
who cares how old this thread is? check the damn movie out and post about that. This thread was still on the top half of the front page for this subforum.
What do you think will happen after November when Romney wins the election? As in what policies do you think Obama will attempt to enact and what will his final actions be prior to leaving office in January? Do you guys anticipate any crazy pardons or other actions? Curious for an actual...