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  1. evil^milk

    Whats making Krynn RAGE today? The Axe Detailer

    Everybody knows Old Spice Showtime is superior.
  2. evil^milk


    Prepare for the inevitable.
  3. evil^milk

    Whats making Krynn RAGE today? The Axe Detailer

    I have one of these. I can't believe I bought it.
  4. evil^milk

    Finally, a website for people who are overweight that is direct and to the point

    Lord have mercy! Just watching some of those pictures provoked some mad acid reflux.
  5. evil^milk

    Augmented Reality A Go!

    This. I mean, isn't it pretty much inevitable?
  6. evil^milk

    About library databases (in college)

    If you found it on a library database that was approved by your professor then you could cite your source from there and pretend you didn't google it. Also, if it's just an essay and not a publication that you're going to make available to any audience but your professor, then I don't really...
  7. evil^milk

    Post cool words:

    Here are words I consider cool and thought it'd be a great idea to post them Globetrotter Apnea :( that's it really. Post cool words:
  8. evil^milk


    HBD. Whatever happened to Zeus, anyway?
  9. evil^milk

    We're Pregnant

    If by over you mean congratulations, then over, Rakurai! :D
  10. evil^milk

    PC Gamer gets all face zoomy with Gabe Newell

    Just thought this was relevant.
  11. evil^milk

    How do people come up with stuff like this

    Damn Raz/Krynn, that makes a lotta sense. Have you tried this approach and completed some concept?
  12. evil^milk

    How do people come up with stuff like this

    What are thumbnails? Are they like, the basic figure?
  13. evil^milk

    Tank-treaded segway. I want one.

    I was thinking just this. When I was looking at that second video I went Anyway I'll take 10
  14. evil^milk

    **** da University

    Which classes are those?
  15. evil^milk

    How do people come up with stuff like this

    pfffffffffffffffff go away then.
  16. evil^milk

    How do people come up with stuff like this So basically I'm in the process of trying to figure out how people come up with mechanical human-things. I made a drawing to attempt to figure out how it is that they do that - and basically the situation I want to solve is how I'm going to get a...
  17. evil^milk

    Gaining weight?

    If you just have about 3 meals per day, and cram in all the calories into those three meals - won't you end up gaining all the weight in fat? Also toaster for let's say a 135 lb dude, 54 g of protein (40%) seems too little (at least it seems that way because of all the hazy, misinformed reasons...
  18. evil^milk

    Working out?

    well how long had it been since you started walking again
  19. evil^milk

    I just can't wrap my head around it

    Still waiting for this to devolve into a UE3 vs. Source discussion