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  1. Direwolf

    A name of a UFO/Alien movie

    I think he might have been talking about Cocoon.
  2. Direwolf

    Star Trek the movie.

    It's not Star Trek that we've seen before at least. The time gap was larger, but there were no small number of people yelling blasphemy when The Next Generation was launched. We just didn't have the internet ability to whine as much. :smoking:
  3. Direwolf

    Modern Warfare 2 Teaser

    Yeah, really the whole purpose of the thing was to get the date out there. Details will come later.
  4. Direwolf

    My Physics Department has become a front for creationists.

    That's pretty much science in a nutshell. If it can't be supported, they'll have to go back to drawing board and either modify the hypothesis or create a new one based on the information they gathered in the experiment. Failure is the default assumption for an untested hypothesis, since by...
  5. Direwolf

    My Physics Department has become a front for creationists.

    For the record, and to avoid confusion of terms, a scientific idea that has been proposed but not supported in any way is a hypothesis, not a theory. To be a true theory (and some things referred to as "theories" are called such incorrectly) it must be supported by evidence.
  6. Direwolf

    A Trip to a Creationist Museum

    Technically there's an argument that it came from Europe. Albeit in a less-crazy form usually.
  7. Direwolf

    Sony making another stupid move

    Does Sony not already take a cut from purchases on their store? What exactly is that money for then?
  8. Direwolf

    I'm close to tears... RIP bvasgm

    For the record, during the BF2 heyday the clan as a whole kicked some serious butt. Good memories. Anyone remember the result of that match against 256?
  9. Direwolf

    Lost: Season 5

    This is kinda an obvious connection, but:
  10. Direwolf

    Sleeping Beauty... Too Sexy?

  11. Direwolf

    The Goon

    When I heard about this I'm pretty sure my brain exploded. The idea of Blur (the studio behind Rockfish) and David Fincher teaming up to try to adapt the Goon is just about the most bizarre thing I've heard all year. It will either be the best animated film of the year or one of the worst. The...
  12. Direwolf

    Mechanical or wooden pencils?

    Mechanical. School has me writing hundreds of equations in a day, and their precision is much better while still being erasable. Wooden ones are still better outside of a classroom though, since they're tough and cheap.
  13. Direwolf

    I'm close to tears... RIP bvasgm

    Oh man, I was in on the BF2 days, present in that 256 vs HL2 match, and even had some small participation in a few of the video attempts. I remember bvasgm distinctly, and it turns out he lived less than an hour from me and went to one of the schools I applied to. Under slightly different...
  14. Direwolf

    Lost: Season 5

    Yeah, and who knew Mikhail could sing like that?
  15. Direwolf

    Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

    Haha, I think you need to be paying a LOT of attention, or maybe be psychic, to really get that movie the first time through. I know it took me a while.
  16. Direwolf

    Dont shit your pants...the game

    Oh god, the Sep-poo-ku one is so easy if you're stupid enough to realize it.
  17. Direwolf

    Best. Movie. Ever.

    I'm a Lovecraft fanatic, but that's still kind of baffling to me. Is Sam Neil just horrifying to you or did the whole thing just click?
  18. Direwolf

    Best. Movie. Ever.

    Torgo Remembers. Torgo Remembers All.
  19. Direwolf

    Lost in translation vs Saving Private Ryan

    I can't offer a valid opinion on the original match-up. One of my shameful movie-nerd secrets is that I saw Lost in Translation and was unable to form an opinion because I was more concentrating on how to get laid by the girl I was with. It's on my list of stuff to see a second time though. As...
  20. Direwolf

    Best. Movie. Ever.

    I change my vote and second this. Anyone want to disagree?