Search results

  1. Grey

    Overlords: Rise of Terra

    I'm not sure if your talking to InsaneFool or Ichi but lets try to keep it friendly and on topic :)
  2. Grey

    Malin interview!

    Good interview Majestic :D , it done on IRC? I refused to give an IRC interview and went with email so I could take as long as I wanted to answer heh.
  3. Grey

    Neotokyo - Website make-over and Interview :)

    Website - Interview - pushBAK recently totally redid our website, so check it out. Also this last weekend I gave an intervew to HL2Central as well. Speaking of which any one else think it's...
  4. Grey

    Wanted: Everything :P

    I see you have a concept artist... get him to work and start posting some in this thread. I know from experience that's a good way to attract talent. Also get a website up too, most people won't take a mod seriously with out a website. Best of luck :)
  5. Grey

    Who do you think would make a good moderator of this board?

    Whoa that was fast - thank you for the chance to help out :)
  6. Grey

    Who do you think would make a good moderator of this board?

    I volunteer - In addition to moderating I'd also like to write some guidelines and suggestions for people who want to start a mod. For instance - on how to attract people. I’m a fair person, and I think if you go over the posts I’ve made to these forums you’ll see I’m also mature. Grey
  7. Grey

    importing .OBJ into 3Dsmax 5.1?

    Hey no prob, I always try to answer the questions I actually know something about :). G
  8. Grey

    Star wars goodness?

    KOTOR rocks. Nuff said. :)
  9. Grey

    importing .OBJ into 3Dsmax 5.1?

    Otherwise download wings3d(free), import obj and export 3ds... Pretty sure it can import/export both.
  10. Grey

    texturing question

    Aww that's too bad. Perhaps just keep it mind. You have some awesome work in your gallery :)
  11. Grey

    texturing question

    But whether he should or not is another matter. Certainly 5 textures isn't needed, and an extra 1024x1024 texture would be better for performance than several smaller ones that could fit onto a 1024x1024(or smaller if possible, the point is less textures is better) if combined. Say ankalar...
  12. Grey

    texturing question

    Speaking as a programmer - every texture change is gonna hurt performance. And for those who are thinking about disagreeing with me, goto both Nvidia's and ATI's website's developer sections and read up on maximizing performance. Back to your problem - if you can't use one texture, try to...
  13. Grey

    Anyone know any good HL2 editing channels to idle in

    We could make one if there isn't one :) I'm there 24-7 any way...
  14. Grey

    WIP: Socom 45

    Ahh well next time keep your refs hehe :) And starting over isn't a bad thing, every model you do, even the bad ones, make you a better modeler. On a side note, Ankalar, any chance we can get you to do a firearm skinning tutorial or even mini-tutorial??? I just finally checked your gallery...
  15. Grey

    WIP: Socom 45

    Looks more like 50% done to me. With such great reference pics of the USP on the net there's not much excuse for things being as off as they are. The sights are way off(size), the trigger guard needs work, The indentation near the bottom of the grip is too big, the grip itself looks not long...
  16. Grey

    HL2 model mysteries

    Yeah the FAQ answer right above says the same thing :D Go ATI...
  17. Grey

    Neotokyo - Two new guns + concept candy [56Ker's beware]

    ductonius you did read the thread right? If you did you misunderstood it. We're not talking about the mechanics of a pullpup gun. We talking about the ergonomics of the gun... All that aside you do have some good points.
  18. Grey

    Entropy MOD Needs you!! (skinners wanted)

    Gee thats great. Wrong forum bud this should be in "Help Wanted and Offered". :dozey:
  19. Grey

    Red Tide Weapon Renders

    Some ppl just are not equiped to critque properly. And I understand there's going to be a certain amount of competetion going on and thats good - we ought to be at least civil to each other though :). I think the models would look alot better with more time spent on smoothing groups.
  20. Grey

    ruger mkII for RIVALS

    My advice Ichi is not to argue with the moderators or atleast to ask via a private messgae. And to repost what you said after he edited it... it's like your asking to be banned hehe. Back on topic - !-fgdf-! you might want to make the top of the trigger extend into the body - right now it...