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  1. Grey

    ruger mkII for RIVALS

    Good model :) I had a friend that had one of these in .22 - great target pistol. If I remember correctly does the back come out a bit when it's fired?
  2. Grey

    HL2 model mysteries

    ^^ This is from the SDK FAQ and probably what your remembering.
  3. Grey

    Neotokyo - Two new guns + concept candy [56Ker's beware]

    Ok here... if the magazine placed in the rear wouldn't work on our SMG it wouldn't work for the SA80 either... a real gun mind you :) If you look, the mag and grip are pretty much the same distance as on our SMG...
  4. Grey

    CWMP: Browning BDM [WIP]

    Yeah the slide/hammer looks weird as Ankalar said. Watch the steam hl2 movie Tunnels for an example. The hammer and the slide should be seperate. It won't matter so much when firing(where the silde moves fast), but when the gun is empty it will look wrong (at least to gun freaks). You don't see...
  5. Grey

    Neotokyo - Two new guns + concept candy [56Ker's beware]

    Thanks for all the feedback!!! :D I'll probably work on the gun models a bit more. Pretty soon, in what 28 days?, I won't be modeling any more for the most part and just coding, what I do best :).
  6. Grey

    Wings 3d rendering help

    I think the problem is wings3d isn't for rendering. Your talking about the opengl render thing right? Forget about that... Wings3d is all about modeling not much else (which is it's strenth). What you'll have to do is find a free/demo 3d app like Gmax or the XSI demo. Figure out what it can...
  7. Grey

    Neotokyo - Two new guns + concept candy [56Ker's beware]

    Wow hehe. Naw I like getting comments whether positive or negative. So no worries. I actually made an attempt on these weapons to leave space for the skinner. pushBAK started skinning one of the weapons and after seeing his amazing work I thought perhaps I'm putting too much detail in places...
  8. Grey

    Neotokyo - Two new guns + concept candy [56Ker's beware]

    Thanks for the comments thus far guys :) @Recoil and Mr Jones: I dunno if that suit design will make it into the mod, but the mood drawings give a good idea on where we're headed. @Ichi: I dunno how to put this politely. We're very careful about who gets on team. I'm sorry if I missed...
  9. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Grey hides his head in shame I know landmate of course but not Guges. It's been a long time since I've looked at Appleseed :o . pushBAK has talked about putting some powered armor into the mix, I wouldn't be suprised if there'll be something along those lines :D.
  10. Grey

    Neotokyo - Two new guns + concept candy [56Ker's beware]

    First the Fujitomo SR31-E. Sniper rifle obviously, bullpup design, barrel runs almost the entire length of the gun - the ultimate in accuracy :). Our concept artist requested a Mac-10-ish design, and here's the result :). 625 refers to the bullet it uses - 6x25mm, small caliber high...
  11. Grey

    Gmax to XSI EXP conversion

    If you made it look a lil more techy it'd look kinda like a Warhammer 40K Thunder Hawk gunship :). No idea about your question, it all depends on what each can import/export and since they're both demos I would think very little. Hopefully some one else will chime in :)
  12. Grey

    3Dsmax 5.1 convert to MAYA?

    When you export from Max it converts all the polygons to triangles. Thats where the inflation comes from. But since HL2 uses triangles as well you should realise that your weapon's triangle/poly count is way too high :)
  13. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Thanks Mr Jones :) But whats a Guge?
  14. Grey

    Wheres the originality?

    Please do. I was wondering some time ago why there wasn't something like that around. Another idea that goes along with that are mod "Postmortems" like you see for games on Gamasutra.
  15. Grey

    Wheres the originality?

    Ahh thats a good point Argyll, although Valve has led us to believe just about any type of game is possible with Source. Other important contributing issues to survivablity - good work ethic and long term dedication ...
  16. Grey

    no DBZ mod yet?

    Doesn't every DBZ mod get shut down? Or are you joking with us Evil? :rolleyes:
  17. Grey

    Wheres the originality?

    Addendum - I guess I think a mods survivability has less to do with when the game/sdk is released and more with the leadership and overall maturity level of the members.
  18. Grey

    Wheres the originality?

    I'm pretty much with Hiro on this, if you don't like the world you change it - or to qoute Nike "Just do it" ;). As for survivability thing - A lot of mods are working hard already right? They're all gonna quit once the programmer has to do some work? I guess I don't understand the reasoning...
  19. Grey

    Cama Killer WIP: female character

    Adding sunlight? She looks mostly female to me but I don't think there'd be any question once she has hair.
  20. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Thanks more guys :) Ichi, I have caught fan-subs of the first 19 or so of the Stand Alone Complex series. Some of the episodes are great, some are just ok. I'm really excited for the new movie that seems to be starring Batou though :D.