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  1. Grey

    AI Girl

    GJ Ichi :) Looks pretty dang accurate. Maybe the guns a little bit big? Those ones are called Tachikoma. I don't know why they didn't use the Fuchikoma that were used in the manga/comic book besides maybe they were too hard to animate and model in 3D. You should do this one next :
  2. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    You know I haven't seen Spriggan... I think I played a PS1 jap import of the same name though. Enough people have said good things about it I'm going to have to get it.
  3. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Yeah I've watched GITS way too many times, and thumbed thru the manga/comic even more. Thanks for all the complements on both models guys :) pushBAK deserves lots of credit too for his tank concept. We all know how hard it can be to model with out a map.
  4. Grey

    Wheres the originality?

    Huh? Over here! ;) :P
  5. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Thanks for all the boob comments, no really ;) @Chimera: I actually asked Fonk to define the nipples more while he was working on the model... You'll see why once she's skinned heh. As for the tank, I had great concept art to work with, thanks :).
  6. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Here's one of the new urban tanks we're working on. Concept art by pushBAK - Modeled by me. The model shown in the renders is 5154 triangles, but I have several LOD models ready including one higher than this one. The render with color is just some materials slapped on, not a proper skin of...
  7. Grey

    Neotokyo Supa WIP Model Pimp - First character and a new tank :)

    Ok we've been working hard :) Here's our first character model for the mod - modeled by Fonk. Right now she stands at 3600 triangles, and has just some basic texturing to show her off :)
  8. Grey

    Shadowrun MOD - An idea, need people.

    Hey no problem WhiteOni your welcome :) I'm sure all three of the mods mentioned will end up pretty damn different. Just a glance quick glance at the Corporate Anarchy faq - CA will have vehicles but with no mounted weapons - NT will have a crap load of vehicles most armored and armed :)...
  9. Grey

    Hk Oo Ez Pee

    fantastic :)
  10. Grey

    Hk Oo Ez Pee

    Great work Firegold. 1500 tris dang... the slide and all that set up for animation too?
  11. Grey

    Mp5 Navy

    Login_Here - Try Wings3D then. It's a free standalone modeling app. ... Or you could get the demo version of Softimage XSI and learn that. Looking good Bandit.
  12. Grey

    Shadowrun MOD - An idea, need people.

    I seriously doubt any banding together is going to happen, and for my team finding great talent hasn't been an issue so far. I look forward to competing for players :) I'm old too Hiro... just turned 30 last month.
  13. Grey

    Handgun and SMG WIPs for Neotokyo

    I demo'd both of those. Deep Paint 3d rocks for organic stuff, I don't think it's percise enough for or maybe I should say suited for things like guns. Ult Unwrap3d is more featureful and easier to use than DeepUV IMO.
  14. Grey

    Handgun and SMG WIPs for Neotokyo

    Well there's the ones at the website. I tell ya thats the best $35 I've spent in a long time. He updates it all the time and look, just yesterday a new version of the 3ds Max import/export plugin came out that has better support for smoothing groups :) woot. What I...
  15. Grey

    Nothing But A Goth Thing

    Ichi your Avatar rocks man :) Great idea... I love the Laughing Man Stand Alone Complex episodes. Sorry for being off topic hehe.
  16. Grey

    Handgun and SMG WIPs for Neotokyo

    Well I don't really go back and forth tho. It's more of a stream wings>max. Though sometimes I bring the object in early to see how it looks rendered to make sure I'm on the right track. The one program that I use thats I go back and forth between it and max is Ultimate Unwrap3d. Which also...
  17. Grey

    First Gun Model, Custom AK

    Really? Huh. Ignore me then hehe.
  18. Grey

    First Gun Model, Custom AK

    You should be able to delete this yourself Okt. I think once you choose to edit your first post in the thread the option to delete should be there.
  19. Grey

    granades&penknife for rivals ready

    Stone you sick man ;), you should have kept that to yourself hehe. I've been thinking anything under 2400 is ok(if the model NEEEDS it). I may be worse off than Hiro.
  20. Grey

    Shadowrun MOD - An idea, need people.

    Shadowrun always seemed cheap to me with the whole fantasy thing thrown in. I like the Talsorian Cyberpunk, and loved the Cybergeneration supplement they came out with. But any way yeah there's a few cyberpunk mods going for HL2 besides Cerebus's ... Corporations -