Yeap. Looks like the real thing :) Great job.
You should try doing a version with the FN modications, but I don't know if you need another shotgun for your mod.
Ahh mindless_moder both of the AKs you guys did are cool.
But Hiro you forgot to answer my question about the bolt being able to animate. I want to know because I'm considering doing a bolt action rifle myself. I might need tips :/.
Thanks again guys :)
Chimera, I know I know. Makes me wanna cry sometimes hehe. When I export from wings I have to do the normals in Max. When I'm lazy I just use the smooth command like you see there. If I do any more work in wings to the model I'd have to redo all the normals so I figure...
Well it's not really a scope per say... it's one of these:
There's no magnafication. It's an illuminated red dot sight.
Damn, thanks Hiro :). Well I was gonna wait to post these (I like to double my model pimps per thread hehe) but I think I'm at 99% done on this one...
Thats a square 'reflex' sight on the gun. Ohh and it's at 2200 triangles even.
First this should be in "Help Wanted".
Second, great - a Shadowrun mod, but what are you going to do? Just order the others around? I'd do some work first, then start to recruit others.
Hehe I was just going to say the same thing.
I have a hard time telling one model ak from another(even after owning one) but it looks pretty damn good. Have you seen these?
I really like those synthic stocks. The VEPR KTR-03 looks really...
Hehe. I wasn't talking to any one in particular... besides just ignore me I'm no mod ;).
I like seeing non-real stuff here, and I'm excited to see how Stitch's gun turns out, I just think it need work.
C yeah, the rails connecting the pump(where you hold it) to the reciever.
You can see it pretty good in that FN Police Shotgun pic above, there's actually one of those on either side.
Ahh the fond memories of cleaning that son-o-beach after going shooting hehe. It's actually a easy gun to...
Lets keep it friendly :)
Any way I like this qoute from the master Masamune Shirow (well my master any way hehe), creator of Ghost in the Shell:
- Next to a picture of a cool looking handgun...
This is in the wrong forum, no recuiting here. Try the "Help Wanted" forum. You could delete the post and repost in the correct forum other wise it'll get moved I'm sure.
I liked the old one better. The grip/rear looks worse now IMO. The front part starting with the magazine and the top reciever look like it could be a real gun. The rear part, grip and trigger do not.
I had a Winchester Defender (I used to be a gun nut ;) )which is pretty much the same gun. Looks fairly accurate.
Here's the very minor things which I think would push it to perfect:
(see attachment)
A - This part is to conical, take the verts that I'm pointing to here and scale them...
Neotokyo takes place in 2028 so it should be semi-realistic :)
Looks like at the end of the magazine it turns 90 degrees :) I wonder how it feeds the last few rounds in, I would think that'd be a problem.
Yeah I think he ment small=client etc.
My point is valve stated this is all up to the designer. But obviously unimportant=client, important=server makes the most sense in terms of bandwidth and server processing time.