kshreck, theres such a thing as commen courtesy. That means you DONT spam the forums with useless threads. And yes, this is a useless thread. No one is going to download a 70MB video, and its probably just that Wierd Al song.
/glances at Resident Evil movie
/glances at Doom movie
/glances at Resident Evil movie
/glances at Doom movie
/prays that Doom movie doesent turn into Resident Evil movie
I cant wait to see the Machinma that's created with the Source engine. This is sorta getting off topic though. One thing that always bugged me about Halo, is that even when the action was heart pounding, it would still be playing the same old dumb score in a loop over and over. The game would of...
I get a call from my mom who is at a family reunion thing. Turns out my cousins husband works at Dreamcatcher interactive, and that their company can get 40% discount off all ATI stuff! SO now im going to probably get a 9800XT for less then the 9800pro would cost! SOOO PUMPED!! This also has a...
You have to be VERY creative if you want to do sound effects. Just try taking ordinary objects and start messing around with them to see what kind of sounds they can make.