QFT. Hell even heroin is getting better treatment than marijuana. There are countries that give heroin out to addicts because they realize it's cheaper to do so than have to deal with the criminality from such an addicting drug. If only lawmakers would realize the massive untapped wealth that...
Oh man I can't stand that. I have no problem with the average joe believing whatever he wants. But as soon as it enters the scientific realm any idea must pass a certain number of criteria. It really pisses me off when people do unscientific things such as attempting to dismantle a proven theory...
No need really, marijuana burns well enough already and I think people/society as a whole are much smarter than when tobacco first came around. People would definitely have a problem if companies started putting additives in marijuana that made it more harmful than it already is. People are so...
We should begin to worry when a spreading religion begins to stamp our the rest of the worlds logic and reasoning replacing it with blind faith through majority ignorance or through political power. Science should never be trampled on, or used to support special interest. Religion is simply too...
Honestly it's hard to say. You can smoke marijuana and still take part in life. Not everyone who is addicted to marijuana(in that they smoke pretty much every day) suffers from it. Many people who smoke every day simply do so with friends or at home. It's really hard to say the number of people...
The fact is that marijuana is less harmful than current legal drugs. It is not harmless and anyone who says so is a fool. It has dangers and like legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol it can be used responsibly. While tobacco and alcohol are legal there exists no reason why marijuana should...
The burden of proof is on those making the claims. If you can't provide evidence then your beliefs are delusional. I am not saying religion is a bad thing at all. I am simply saying it's not the rational or logical conclusion.
Atheists aren't required to prove you can't prove god exists. That's impossible. You can't prove that invisible trolls aren't running around the room so why don't you accept that as fact? I don't believe god could exist as there is no reason to and the bible is full of human errors that...
Hold on...Atheism and Agnosticism are very different. Agnosticism refers to the certainty of knowledge, in this case agnosticism being uncertain. Atheism refers to their belief in a higher power, in this case they have no belief in a higher power. So it's possible to be an Agnostic Atheist...
I wouldn't say completely. The highest probability we can assign to god existing given the evidence is 1 in infinity. This is why skeptical(scientific) minded people are atheistic. I wouldn't buy a lottery ticket if I had those odds of winning. Religion is simply outdated so atheists don't...
Not necessarily so. Religion has been dis proven so many times yet people still believe in it. Religion causes a lot of problems throughout the world which would be solved with the application of logic and reason. We are making our ascent to becoming a type 1 civilization in the universe and the...
The majority of theists never had the choice. They were forcefully indoctrinated at young ages before they could logically or reasonable deduce our world through their own perspective. Once people obtain a theistic perspective it is incredibly difficult to remove their ideas of how the world...
Then why does the church so vigorously attack gays? Straight people have anal sex all the time but the church doesn't seem to care. It would appear as if they are picking parts of the bible and using it to support their agenda.
So God creates everyone to do good...even the babies that he kills before they have a chance to do good in this world? What about the people that he created to be skeptical? He made me a skeptical person and he hasn't given us a single reason to believe in him. Why should I burn in hell forever...
Christmas isn't a Christian holiday. It was a pagan holiday before Christianity was invented and they kept that holiday to tempt more people to follow their ideas until it simply wasn't challenged anymore and has ingrained itself into society to the point it has been accepted as fact and...
To clear up agnosticism isn't a religion. Your either a theist(believe in a god) or an atheist(do not believe in a god). You can then be gnostic(knowledge in god is certain) or agnostic(knowledge is unknowable). So with that said you can classify yourself and agnostic atheist if you have no...