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  1. Glirk Dient

    Ooo, it's a tough one...

    Whammy without any question. Graphics card won't help you get laid.
  2. Glirk Dient

    15 answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American

    Don't forget that god is ultimately responsible for everyones choices in life. He is all-powerful and all-knowing so he created the way everyones brain works. He is all-knowing so when he did this he knew every choice and every event that would happen in that persons life. So basically he...
  3. Glirk Dient

    California to legalize recreational marijuana

    Nobody is doing this because it's the "cool" thing to do. People are doing this because the drug war has failed and instead of incarcerating criminals they have been terrorizing normal citizens for choosing a safer recreational drug than is currently legal.
  4. Glirk Dient

    15 answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American

    It helps to educate people on answering those questions that creationists ignorantly ask.
  5. Glirk Dient

    American Family Association boycotts McDonalds over promoting "gay agenda"

    Wow Mr Stabby im sorry but you would support anything. This is without a doubt the most ignorant boycott I have heard of. "So what if they burn witches? They probably deserved it" "The jews shouldn't have let themselves get captured, it shows they are a weaker race" "Some africans just like to...
  6. Glirk Dient

    California to legalize recreational marijuana

    It still sends a message. Sitting around doing nothing isn't helping so this at least will send the message to people that maybe pot isn't as bad as it has been made out to be. I think it's opening peoples eyes that will make a difference. Most people are convinced marijuana is a drug that kills...
  7. Glirk Dient

    California to legalize recreational marijuana

    California may pass an initiative to legalize marijuana for recreational use. .gov link
  8. Glirk Dient

    Star Wars Crawl

    Who me? Nah I got disqualified so thankfully I didn't end up there. I am still trying to get into the navy but it doesn't look like I have much of a chance. ;(
  9. Glirk Dient

    Star Wars Crawl

    This sucks...theres like 500 of these posted here. Someone watch all of them for me and tell me which ones are worth my time. DO IT NOW!
  10. Glirk Dient

    Stone and Drunk

    We all just assume your dumb all the time. :laugh: But really....I hate people that feel the need to tell the world they are drunk or high. It's annoying. I am not gonna come in here every 10 mins and post that I am high and occasionally drunk. It's stupid, no one cares unless they are there...
  11. Glirk Dient

    Stone and Drunk

    I call can form coherent sentences therefor you aren't drunk/stoned enough.
  12. Glirk Dient

    So there is this girl...(lol problems)

    Go for it and pay close attention to the small things. Do you catch her looking at you lots, laughing whenever you do, leaning closer to you, touching you(not sexually...idiots). Things like that.
  13. Glirk Dient

    Leak confirms Kotor 3 will be MMO (Boo, Hiss)

    When it first came out and was full of bugs it was the shit. I remember back when the combat medic could throw an area of effect poison and disease further than people could shoot. I used to go into enemy cities and run around killing everyone for hours. It was the most fun ever. I was...
  14. Glirk Dient

    Stressed? Angry? Or just tired? Bob Ross is the answer

    Holy shit this guy has had to have done way too many drugs. Oh wow. This would be the coolest thing while high. He does the most amazing little stupid things ever. "We can add some lavender can throw in some happy little things. We will just let them float on out to nothing. OOP...
  15. Glirk Dient


    Its amazing that there are people out there like this. They have no concept of the modern world, everything has been progressing around them yet they still have no idea why the sun goes up, what the moon is, why the tides come in. They are still very basic. It's just amazing to think about...
  16. Glirk Dient

    Emo on the March!, Major news outlets have their finger on the pulse

    No not really...a lot of the emo kids that follow emo culture around here listen to stuff like cue the doves, the aesthetic, nightmare of your, red fox grey fox, the grayline....and other stuff most people have never heard of. Emo culture kids do this to try to be different, but as I said...
  17. Glirk Dient

    Emo on the March!, Major news outlets have their finger on the pulse

    ^^wrong you just listen to shit music. Also emos are more so a style of clothing rather than actually emo. Some of them might be but the majority of emo kids only dress that way. This thread further proves their point that people really don't understand them and make ingorant sweeping...
  18. Glirk Dient

    How Creationism/ID creeps into the classroom

    It's new to me and your point doesn't refute the fact that creationists are insane. It's silly how people attempt to mix god and science.
  19. Glirk Dient

    Scammer Busted...

    Haha oh wow I bet that kid shat bricks when they came up with his address and pictures of him and his house.