Mirror's Edge - 10/10.
Whilst I wasn't a fan of the demo, I saw this game on eBay for £5.99 as a Buy It Now, so I bought it and had a little go. It was a fun game. Took some getting use to, but I enjoyed it very much and will play it again some other time.
Heard about this at first by reading someone's personal message on MSN, but failed to believe it. So I checked Twitter's trending topics where it had "R.I.P Michael Jackson" so I decided to further confirm it by visiting BBC, where it wasn't confirmed yet. I continued watching the live channel...
I often get confused with the 4 red lights indiciating a lead is missing or something, so get scared.
I once placed a game inside my Xbox 360 and it goes, "To play this game, place it inside an Xbox 360."
Haha thanks everyone.
I did this to a few people on msn and they go "a black man" and then after they said "a woman" so I was wondering if other people were like them and have to point out that he's black.