Looking good, but you still haven't fixed Pi Mu Rho's name. Also, please make the final version available in .png please. Makes for nicer gradients and less artifacts.
Failed BIOS updates can be fixed most of the time by taking out the Cmos battery for a good 20 minutes. Really, 20 minutes. Put it back it and try again.
I think Valve is purposely trying to get the CSS community to hate them by not updating the game. It makes everyone complain like assholes. All the complaining assholes make the more appealing for the young audience, as most kids are assholes too. All the assholes affect normal people into being...
To get some more framerates in BC2, set shadows to low, HBAO off and directx to 9. That massively increased my framerate. But I'm on a quadcore anyway.
I don't see how any upgrade is worth it from what you already have. Overclocking the cpu is a good idea if you haven't already.
Uhm, you're only looking at your server history?
Anyway, I got this game too now. To all who wouldn't mind me in their squad, you can add me to friends.. If it works now.. "The Brick"
The problem is that wireless systems often (not all of them) look for nearby access points to see if there's a better one to connect to. This happens once every 60 seconds, and lasts 5 seconds. Sometimes it's the window's Wireless Zero Configuration (WZC) service that's doing this, but sometimes...
That was me, and it worked. I had a less awesome experience of trying to bring dog's playball with me all throughout the game. I got very far, but I can't remember where I had to leave it behind, as it was 5 years ago, just after the game was released.
Gaming performance is unnoticeably higher in w7. With w7 being a vastly improved OS, it's going to manage your system resources a lot better, which means you should have a smoother overall experience (including installing and background processes). W7 is easier to use, looks a lot better and is...
It's original, beautiful and fantastic. It's completely intriguing. To me anyway. Read this, if you're still interested by the end, buy it.
For myself
Batman: Arkham Asylum (EU)
Time Gentlemen, Please!
Ben There, Dan That!
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Zeno Clash
The Void
Crysis Complete (W-EU)
Shattered Horizon
Peggle Deluxe
Trials 2: Second Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV (EU)