Search results

  1. FoB_Ed

    Which country makes the best beer?

    I haven't travelled enough to taste all these wonderful kinds of beers, but to me there's nothing better than a fresh pint of Guinness draught. Not the Guinness here in the USA though, it sucks compared to the authentic stuff.
  2. FoB_Ed

    A question for the cigarette smokers....

    I find smoking Cigs extremely satisfying and enjoyable. In fact, I'm smoking a cigarette right now and it tastes delightful. I haven't had any trouble kicking the habit for months at a time, and I don't go overboard with the amount I smoke either. I find PC games to be more addictive to me than...
  3. FoB_Ed

    age to get married

    I'm 19, and my girlfriend(20) and I have talked about getting married. Although not anytime soon of course! At least waiting until we graduate in 3 years and then possibly a year or two after. We'll see. It'd be foolish to try and rush anything. I'm crazy about her, but it's worth waiting for...
  4. FoB_Ed

    Which would you rather?

    I don't just have sex, I make love. I can't choose any of these.
  5. FoB_Ed

    Top Ten Weapons

    10. Redeemer - Unreal Tournament 9. Assault Cannon - Dark Forces 8. BFG - Doom3 7. Snarks - Half Life 6. Shotgun - Duke Nukem 3d 5. Rail Gun - Red Faction 4. Spinfuser - Tribes 2 3. Gauss Gun - Half-Life 2. Lightsaber - Jedi Outcast 1. Gravity Gun - Half-Life 2
  6. FoB_Ed

    Should I buy a new Laptop before or after Christmas?

    Well I just need it for next semester. I have a desktop computer in my dorm room right now. I'm not on any sort of timeframe but I just wonder when there would be the best deals for laptops.
  7. FoB_Ed

    Should I buy a new Laptop before or after Christmas?

    My laptop got stolen two months ago, so I've been trying to scrape up funds to buy a new one. But I'm not sure if I should buy it now while there are plenty of rebates and what-not because of the holiday shopping season, or if I should wait until after Christmas, when I will have more money...
  8. FoB_Ed

    Events of Half-Life will take place

    It's different. In Half-Life the crystal was placed into an Anti-Mass spectrometer, wasn't it?
  9. FoB_Ed

    Scared of Death???

    lolz dying
  10. FoB_Ed

    Secret Service investigates 14 year old for writing "Kill Bush" on Myspace

    the star spangled banner IS the imperial march......:borg:
  11. FoB_Ed

    Are you a lefty?

    That's why you suck it up and learn to play right handed
  12. FoB_Ed

    Is this a case of religion going to far?

    The gospel of Matthew quotes Jeremiah, in chapter 2, verse 18. Matthew also refers to Jeremiah in chapter 27: verses 6-10 "The chief priests picked up the coins and said, "It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money." So they decided to use the money to buy the...
  13. FoB_Ed

    Is this a case of religion going to far?

    That's a lie. Jesus carries in His heart the kingdom of God which is love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. He allowed himself to suffer violence to acheive God's purposes. Did Jesus make war against the gentiles? No. Instead he sent his apostles to minister to them so that they might be...
  14. FoB_Ed

    The reason why Palestinians and Jews cannot get along.

    No, everyone wants the temple mount.
  15. FoB_Ed

    "Forgetting Birthdays" or "Your son's an a**hole"

    Jeez how can everyone not remember people's birthday's? Especially people who are close to them
  16. FoB_Ed

    Who ever makes me the best logo wins free copy of HL2: EP2

    I agree. Very nice:thumbs:
  17. FoB_Ed

    So I was at the mall today...

    Maybe he's a lesbian
  18. FoB_Ed

    How bout a centipede thread :thumbs:

    ugh, foul beasts. I see them in my basement sometimes; the kind in the first picture. There are daddy longleg's too but they're least they catch pesky insects. I never hestitate in taking a boot to any centipede that appears!
  19. FoB_Ed

    Eternal Silence mod released

    1.6 what?
  20. FoB_Ed

    Who ever makes me the best logo wins free copy of HL2: EP2

    Dude, that's awesome. Looks great!:thumbs: