I honestly couldn't tell you. All I know is that shadows react to the direction and intensity of the light source, but it's not full dynamic shadows like Doom 3.
Interestingly enough, Bloodlines, which is built on the Source engine, does feature dynamic shadows. Run past a light, and your character's shadow will arc around as expected, so obviously the Source engine can do the kind of lighting effects everybody is talking about, though Valve simply...
Half-Life 2 is the the best game I've ever played. Not a dull moment to be found.
This is an excellent point. I'll play games now and expect objects to react to my presence, and it can be a bit jarring when I realize that an office chair is inexplicably bolted to the ground.
Valve's "crappy conversion" was, in fact, a straight port to the Source engine done to test the Source engine's ability to import Half-Life 1 content, so there really wasn't much "converting" going on.
Personally, I like the retro feel, but I'm also looking forward to some of the conversion...
The guys running the mod were idiots with no knowledge of or respect for copyright law or intellectual property rights. If there were ever a mod that deserved getting shut down, it was this one.
Damn, you kids are lazy these days. When I was in school, we didn't have the internet. You wanted to know something, you went to the library and looked it up in the card catalog! Then you had to actually read a lot of material before finding something relevant. It's called "research". And...
It's our opinion.
Incorrect. It doesn't "have" to be anything since that's just your opinion.
Captain Obvious to the rescue!
Automatic centering is an absolute necessity for driving games using binary controls (that is, controls that are "on" or "off", like the buttons on your keyboard)...