Search results

  1. Sanada

    PCI-E Motherboards

    I've been out of the loop with new hardware for a while and I want to do some research before building a new computer. With these PCI-E motherboards I have only a vague idea what the new slots are. For example, this board here. I think...
  2. Sanada

    very sexy...

    So this is what Mark Henry gets up to in his spare time.
  3. Sanada

    Men biologically unnecessary.

    Don't you mean the Y Chromosome? While two women could only produce Girls, could a Gay couple produce both Boys and Girls since they have X and Y? Either way, I agree that this method would be good if it can prevent certain genetic diseases/defects from occuring or help people have can't have...
  4. Sanada


    Why don't you just use tagging software? There's many programs out there that will rename all your files based on the tags in the file. I use EasyTAG to do mine. It would be a lot but you can get 500GB drives very cheaply now. For you though there probably wouldn't be much point encoding all...
  5. Sanada

    What is the dumbest purchase you've ever made?

    Probably when I bought a ?7 ($14) snazzy Yo-yo from a corner shop and broke it like 5 minutes later. I must have been 10-11 at the time and was too scared to go back to try and get a refund from the crazy Asian guy who ran the shop. I remember throwing it in a draw in my room and haven't seen it...
  6. Sanada

    New Team Fortress 2 Update (CTF_Well is Here)

    I get that on 2fort sometimes, it drives me insane. For some reason it only happened when I had all graphic detail settings set to low as it hasn't happened again since I set them back to high.
  7. Sanada

    Solid state drives

    Aren't they're meant to be HHD (Hybrid Hard Drives) available now? I never seen one for sale so I doubt so but I'd imagine they'd be cheaper than SSD's. They're basically disc based drives with a large FLASH buffer of about 256MB+. Frequency used data, like OS files, is loaded into the buffer to...
  8. Sanada


    I originally encoded my music in MP3 but decided to switch to FLAC. HDD are so big and cheap these days that there's no reason to even worry about disk space anymore. For music players though it's not as pratical. My current playlist in FLAC is about 64 hours long which equates to about 25GB of...
  9. Sanada

    Need Portable Media Player

    I updated to OS2008 as soon as I got it so it can't be related to that. However, I've downloaded Mediabox which seems to play the FLAC files without crashing. I will try the other two you suggested also. All I need now is some earphones that can be amplifide with batteries or something if they...
  10. Sanada

    Need Portable Media Player

    I know this thread is old now but I decided to go and buy the N800, it just come today. Managed to find it a bit cheaper. I glad you suggested it otherwise I would've probably overlooked it. It's an excellent piece of kit. I've crammed two 1GB MicroSD cards into it giving me enough space for...
  11. Sanada

    Do you live/work with people who stink?

    I been around many smelly people before but mostly just ones you meet in the shops who wift of piss. The worst though was when I was at University. I meet this person who I talked to and worked with in lectures. Some days me would smell a bit of BO but it varied. Sometimes he would smell fine...
  12. Sanada

    Need Portable Media Player

    The Nokia N800 looks really nice and fits everything I need. I only wanted Rockbox because of it's support for more file formats. The only thing is it costs much more here at like ?189 which is like $350 dollars I think. What about the newer N810? is it a lot more expensive? I have nothing...
  13. Sanada

    Need Portable Media Player

    I'm looking for a Portable media player that'll allow me to install the Rockbox firmware ( and can use expandable memory cards like Micro SD/Mini SD etc. I really want one that can support FLAC, hence the need for Rockbox but I would like it also to support as many...
  14. Sanada

    Thinking about buying STALKER. Will it run on my PC?

    I played it all the way through on a Semprom 3000+ and a 6800GS. I had dynamic lighting on originally but it was too much so I turned if off. It was much better although it look a lot shittier but I didn't mind.
  15. Sanada

    Oh Crap.

    Acording to this it isn't compatible.
  16. Sanada

    Desktop ATX Case

    I'm not going to worry to much about the audio. If I can't get it working then great otherwise it's no biggy. I found the Silverstone one cheaper somewhere else so I think I'll go for it.
  17. Sanada

    Desktop ATX Case

    hool10: I'm kinda looking for a desktop case (the ones that lay flat on the side) and not a tower. I know it's weird but I don't have much desk space or room space for that matter so with a desktop I can atleast put the monitor on top. Plus, they come with the displays and remote etc. :) MRG...
  18. Sanada

    Desktop ATX Case

    So everything should fit which is great. :) The Antec ones are really nice but they only do MATX as far as I know. There was one ATX I think but it's discontinued now. Right now, I'm stuck between the one in my original post and this one...
  19. Sanada

    Desktop ATX Case

    At some point I'm going to build a new computer (most likely around January time) but I'm first looking for a case. I found this one which I like but I'm unsure about something. First, it says it's ATX but...
  20. Sanada

    Dad sells Guitar hero 3 for $9000 after son caught smoking pot

    Is Guitar Hero III really that hard to get making someone pay $9000 for it? :|