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  1. spitzfiya

    Glorious News Coming!

    Bah CS got old.......I stopped playing it because SOLDAT has waaay more depth Damn I love that game
  2. spitzfiya

    Your Weapon of Choice and why??

    I vote for the buggy......The most dangerous weapon is your car and beer.
  3. spitzfiya

    HL2 Wishlist

    Whoa is that a gun beside them pencils?
  4. spitzfiya

    HL2 icon goodies

    Have a bannana, thx for the icons
  5. spitzfiya

    Tables chairs etc...

    To bad its not have to be a fricken subscriber........Bastards....Is it true I can get HL for free now??? WHERE CAN I GET HL!!!!
  6. spitzfiya

    HL2 or CS2 Multiplayer?

    I play CS on this comp and get good FPS but crapp ass graphics in hardware mode Celeron 500MHZ 4MB ATI RAGE PRO 192MB RAM 10GIG HD WIN 98 SE I dont mind it.....Sure Im going to build a new pc for HL2
  7. spitzfiya

    Great HL2 Marketing Idea

    in reply to 1 I was thinking the exact same thing.....I saw a pic of the crowbars being used as door handles at the E3 booth for HL2
  8. spitzfiya

    Half-Life 2 -vs- Stalker Oblivian Lost?

    Stalker looks amazingly detailed....I saw it on a nvidia demo showing off the GeforceFX line. Grass and everything looks amasing........but of course you probly need a super computer to run it. HL2 blew me away....The graphics had that gritty look and The physics are sweet.
  9. spitzfiya

    A little chat with someone who runs #half-life on gamesnet

    lol, I belive that convo is fake....but nice try
  10. spitzfiya

    The old times...

    Hmm I saw the one with alex and that black dude in it.....and I thought That looks gay. Why are there realistic allies in HL2? I really didnt like the fact that a chick was your main ally shes not even hot. For some reason I wasent surprised with that screen shot........I only like Gordon, and...
  11. spitzfiya

    hazard course?

    Yeah have a hazard course showing you how to interact with the new physics and all
  12. spitzfiya

    Tables chairs etc...

    Im preety sure anything is possible, If wood fragments like wood then why can't it act like wood and hold things up?