I only played a little today, I was busy, but I was wandering in the forest killing animals and this Khajiit guy ran over and killed me. I re loaded like 4 times trying to kill him and I kept running backwards away from him shooting arrows. He probably had 30 arrows in him and was still alive! :D
Nice. Once we get some money I will be getting a new computer like yours! It's about time, my computer was good for the first year I had it, and it's almost 3 years old now.
Haha, I'll get a screen of mine later but I want to add that one of my brother's character looks exactly like Keanu Reeves, and my other brother's character looks like Clive Owen
Do this: Go into my documents, my games, and oblivion and there is a file that's just called Oblivion, you can open it with notepad or something and find the line that says bAllowScreenShot=0 and change the 0 to 1, and when you press printsceen while playing it should make a screenshot in your...
Guys, it works great on mine with large textures, and shitty quality water, and I can have really long view distances without it jacking down the FPS. If anyone has any trouble, maybe I can help.
Hey guys, I finally managed to pull myself away from the game! Here's a few screens, sorry, they're a little small
My specs are: GeForce FX 5900, 768 mb RAM, AMD Athlon XP 2500+ 1.8 GHZ, I'm using Oldblivion version 0.11t1
A nice view of a mountain...
Thank you all for posting, it's the moment of truth for me tomorrow, I will finally see how far my pc can go. I couldn't get the game today, but I most definitely will tomorrow unless my computer has a meltdown before I get to playing!