Havent played in a loooong time, but i recently played with a friend when i had this random laugh attack due to the funny player animation when leaning, idk why i thought it was so funny :D I was lucky i had fraps recording
It doesnt really make sense at times tho. The rebels never had that type of technology, and the zombies dont have headcrabs? Still nice tho
He makes good videos but its important not to automatically assume everything he says is right without a bit of criticism. His logic is sometimes quite flawed and arguments can be weak at times. But i do enjoy his videos.
Doesnt she realize that by suing and whatnot that MORE people will hear about it and even MORE people will watch her fail? Shes just dragging more and more attention to her, and now we even know her real name. If she just stayed quiet and anonymous all would be well.
Stupid stupid woman.
This, together with the recent removal of the 2 best porn torrent sites in the world, renders me suicidal.
You may take my money, my TV, my internets, my anything. But damn you, you DONT TAKE A MANS PORN, FOR ****S SAKE YOU JUST DONT DO THAT
Did anyone else notice that the "interviews" in the live stream right after the presentation were obviously and blatantly fake placements? I mean jesus christ atleast try to act as if its real. Nice marketing nintendo, but we werent all born yesterday.
How do YOU know what a hungry Guinea Pig sounds like? HUH KRYNN? HOW? GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE FROM US EH?
No but yeah you should totally check out Amnesia, its a fun game.
Never understood all these special editions when it comes to games, i always just buy the regular normal edition because im buying it for the main game, nothing else. Whatever floats your boat.
I just hope they didnt go all "ACTION **** YEAH EXPLOSIONS SHOOTING AlIENS EVERYWHERE BADASS MARINE WARFARE". I want them to stick to the "Im just an engineer with really bad luck, **** my life"