This is really horrible. I have never been to huge festivals like that, but ive been to concerts and enormous rave events and shit gets scary when you are at the wrong part of the crowd at the wrong time. I tried to get a drink at the bar when it was relatively calm, and out of nowhere thousands...
How much more of a disaster can this become? Was dungeon keeper even played in Asia? There is no potential market there, there is no brand loyalty whatsoever. Dungeon Keeper was successful in America and Europe only, so why not make a proper DK3...
Wait this isnt actually made by a real litte girl right? I mean...its obviously some really genious and funny comic doing this stuff. Is there any proof its all actually made genuinely by a girl?
ah i see, shes all grown up now.
Thanks for the help, but i couldnt get it to work as i wanted. I eventually just installed Viritualbox on the Ubuntu computer, installed Windows XP on it, and ran MSN Messenger from within, and i can now transfer the files via lan via msn via xp via viritualbox. Hell of a workaround but it works.
I have a windows 7 computer and an Ubuntu computer. They are both hooked up to the same router and is on the same network. I need to figure out how i can send files from the Windows computer to the Ubuntu computer via LAN, because im transfering large files that would take ages over the...
I had a friend who was a major macfag and wouldnt stop preaching about how great it was. We had a Computer Service/Support class together, so we would always argue about computers. Well, a few years later, he comes back to town after being in college for a while. So im all like "so hows your Mac...
That really sucks. You dont have to apologize Raziaar because this is not your fault, no one could of predicted this. You have put a lot of effort into this and have endured a lot of stress to get things up and running. I think you deserve a giant cow statue ingame once we get a new server ;)
Damn, that sucks :(
If its really him then you should post a warning on the official minecraft forums too, so no other people get into the same problem.
I wonder why companies like these sell their souls to giants like Activision in the first place? Its pretty much a given that they will expect you to make blockbuster 99090090 million copies sold games, and if your company cant live up to that they will either shut you down or sell you AND keep...
[ ] TOLD
[X] Told so hard another universe was created from dat toldness
I dont really want any of these devices, but im just amazed that people still think the Ipad is some gift from god and is flawless and better than all other contenders.
Hm, i spend 12 hours a day on the internet, but that involves games, 4chan, porn, etc etc, stuff that wouldnt be allowed at work. So i see why it can become cumbersome. Try signing up on sites like quake live and just frag people all day long.