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  1. Ravioli

    Controversial suggestion!

    I dont think we should redo the map everytime a big update is released, that will kind of go against the point of the server. Its made to evolve and grow and have a rich history. I really hope notch will have a way of intergrating biomes into current maps, but i doubt it.
  2. Ravioli

    Human-Cyborg Ago!

    I wonder what its like to masturbate with it.
  3. Ravioli

    Actroid - Creepy Robot Nurse coming to a hospital near you

    As cool as it might be, its completely useless.
  4. Ravioli

    How to prevent michief night vandalism

    Here in Italy we got something called the Carabinieri, and in my neighborhood they are crawling around every street corner. Long story short, you dont want to **** with them. They might look silly, but god damnit if they ever feel the need to enforce the law, they enforce it good
  5. Ravioli

    I saw Gabe N at Blizzcon

    Actually it was me who tipped them, my email is [email protected] Thats right, im leaking ALL of our secrets to external entities muhahahha Anyways, any interesting stuff you talked to him about, kTimekiller?
  6. Ravioli

    I saw Gabe N at Blizzcon

    Imagine his face when Gabe sat down next to him. "HEY MAN THAT SEAT IS TAKEN ITS FOR MY BRO....HOLY SHIT GABE!!?"
  7. Ravioli

    I saw Gabe N at Blizzcon

    "They in convention for 20 seconds, seriously as in the people my university which shows, even who is there is not an students there." wat
  8. Ravioli

    I saw Gabe N at Blizzcon

    Yeah i saw a pic posted on /v/, he was playing the SC2 Dota.
  9. Ravioli

    Diablo 3 announced

    Yes but there are also guns, in the panel videos they also specifically mention guns once. Or maybe my mind was trippin balls.
  10. Ravioli

    Diablo 3 announced

    I like that its a ranged class, and is kinda what the Amazon was. But im not too happy about the guns, not sure if want. Otherwise i love the new class, its what i expected. Lets just hope that she can use javelins etc :D
  11. Ravioli

    Battlefield 3 - 'Special Attention' on PC

    I fell for this scam with BC2. Never buying another DICE product. Yesimad
  12. Ravioli

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    My consolefag friend just got the game and brought it over on his PS3. Hes playing it on my shitty ass low resolution SD tv when this happened. Had to take a pic just for the lulz
  13. Ravioli

    Help finding a game

    Nope, none of those games, but they sure look interesting too! :D That would be cool Rizzo, if you happen to walk by a store or something. You dont need to buy it, just flip through the pages and find the name if you can :)
  14. Ravioli

    Help finding a game

    Ahh thats what the magazine was called, thx for clearing that up. I went to the site and found the issue i was reading through: At the bottom left it says "Rymdretro" which im guessing is the article about the game (literal translation: Space retro), but not the actual game name itself...
  15. Ravioli

    Help finding a game

    Im afraid not. Maybe it wasnt called Level, but the front page of the article just said "LEVEL" and then it had 5 entire pages filled with awesome screenshots etc, but i didnt have enough time to read anything. The game took place in Space and it looked like it had Coop mode available. The...
  16. Ravioli

    Help finding a game

    When i was at an airport in stockholm i was looking through a Gaming magazine that was sitting on the shelf. There was a game called "LEVEL" which was a new game in the Shoot Em Up Side Scroller genre, like Space Invaders or Gradius. But the graphics were really oldschool and pixelated, all 2D...
  17. Ravioli


    happy birthday No one ever makes a birthday threads for me. **** you guys, all of you.
  18. Ravioli

    Server Migration Donations

    inb4 when whoever that is in charge of Mynecraft runs off with the money and buys some pills to overdose on, then the media will blame the Minecraft community and be all like "RUTHLESS GAMERS ON STEROIDS DONATES MONEY TO AID SUICIDE" to get Notch thrown in jail. Also, turns out that i cant...
  19. Ravioli

    Server Migration Donations

    inb4 when whoever that will be put in charge of the server runs off with the money and buys some pills to overdose on, then the media will blame and be all like "RUTHLESS GAMERS ON STEROIDS DONATES MONEY TO AID SUICIDE" to get this forum shut down.
  20. Ravioli

    Server Migration Donations

    If i get the job i want in late december/early january, i could contribute a few dollars if need be.