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  1. $niper

    This Defies Everything!!!!!!!!!

    No, they're not.
  2. $niper

    This Defies Everything!!!!!!!!!

    Just a big note for everyone: The slopes of the two triangles are NOT the same.
  3. $niper

    Well guess what...

    How sad. More delays.
  4. $niper

    Offical Steam Hater

    That's not true. :dozey:
  5. $niper

    Difference between DX8 and DX9 cards in HL2

    I doubt anyone is going to be missing out on anything with a DX-8 card.
  6. $niper

    Difference between DX8 and DX9 cards in HL2

    No. Huge difference in quality between DX6 and [DX8 or DX9].
  7. $niper

    Features that should have been added

    Mountain Man: I'd say they're not gimmicks. They add to the suspension of disbelief. Half-Life 2's glass looks excellent judging by the e3 video.
  8. $niper

    single player missions for the net?

    My issue with people who say "Sven Co-op sucks" is that the average person that says that has played version 1.3 and didn't bother to try the latest version. It's really annoying when you have a bad reputation because of other people in the past. I don't recall saying we have a "huge growing...
  9. $niper

    single player missions for the net?

    I'm not offended. It's just that you seem like a very ignorant person.
  10. $niper

    why again!?!?

    I think he's offended because Valve went to great lengths to shoot the wood in the same spot that it breaks.. giving the illusion that "where you shoot is where it breaks." I'm a little disappointed too, but it's not really that bad. It may be possible for a modification to set constraint...
  11. $niper

    single player missions for the net?

    I apologize that it doesn't have reet realistic sh0ttys and b3wm cannons from Counter-Strike, or swat team models. Anyhow, Sven Co-op for Half-Life 2 is much different than Sven Co-op for Half-Life. You need not concern yourself about worrying that it's going to suck as much as Sven Co-op for...
  12. $niper

    why again!?!?

    Yes, you're right. I'm going to have to say Dice Software is a bad company. They make expansion packs to cash in, and slump on support for their modification community. If they had any brains they'd realize modifications bring in the cash. I assume they don't own any copies of Half-Life. :devil:
  13. $niper

    single player missions for the net?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "horribly done." A lot of people have tried Sven Co-op and have enjoyed themselves. We have a growing community and we provide support as needed. Perhaps you're talking about the early versions of Sven Co-op, and not the current.
  14. $niper

    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    Who said Alyx isn't going to strip for Gordon Freeman?
  15. $niper

    New media leaked!!!

    Really lame.
  16. $niper

    Gameplay thougts...

    "I have a 9700 Pro, I think I'm going to need a faster video card for Half-Life 2!!! 0mg kekeke h@x" Something tells me people don't know anything about what they bought. When you have a high end card, and you say something like that, you look pretty stupid. Meh. Back to the topic: I'm...
  17. $niper

    What aspect of HL2 are you anticipating the most?(physics, AI, multiplayer, etc.)

    Pathfinding techniques for AI and Physics.
  18. $niper

    Half-Life 2's Maximum Map Size

    Heh well... there are units of measure converters out there. I don't think people will have too much trouble finding one. :hmph:
  19. $niper

    dynamic shadows eh?!

    I really don't read much into game previews. Too much imagination and not enough facts are put in by the journalists.
  20. $niper

    Half-Life 2's Maximum Map Size

    I have to disagree with you there, completely. Half-Life 1's maximum map size can't accommodate land/air/water vehicles. You have to also account for world geometry. Maps aren't just going to be flat planes. You need to create a believable world, and that takes space.