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  1. Combine Hybrid

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    Who.Gives.A.Shit. It looks FUN. That's all that matters.
  2. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    BTW, how does the karma system work? Does it work like previous Fallout game which all people react according to your karma, or does it differ from town to town? Ex: If I steal bunch of things from goodspring, will my karma only reflect according to this town only?
  3. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    Well I helped out Ringo and killed bunch of powder punks back in goodspring in one of the mission. Probably that's why?
  4. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    WTF are you talking about? Powder gangs hate powder gang outfit?
  5. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    Did anyone else got entire NCR correctional facility turning hostile to you? Even if I wear powder gang outfit, they just turn hostile for absolutely no ****ing reason.
  6. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    you mean d3d9 file? That didn't help me at all. It recommends me to play the game in medium setting and the game looks like shit, still with hiccups.
  7. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    How do you people deal with this game's horrible fps? Because I can't and I'm only into 10 minutes of the game.
  8. Combine Hybrid

    Platinum Games' VANQUISH

    A gameplay of 5-6 hours doesn't warrant this game at full price of 59.99 for me. Pass.
  9. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    well, now I'm definitely NOT installing that into my folder.
  10. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    so, what exactly is the infection in the file?
  11. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    yeah, link is removed from that forum.
  12. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    I can't ****ing play this game until wednesday... :frown: BTW, should I play and finish the other 4 DLCs for FO3? I only managed to finish Anchorage which was piece of shit. Never bothered with other 4 DLCs.
  13. Combine Hybrid

    GT5 delayed once again (go f*ckin figure) It says it is still looking forward to this holiday for release. Pretty sure they delayed from November so the game doesn't get raped by Black Ops release date.
  14. Combine Hybrid

    Shogun 2: Total War

    Nothing beats the duel between two diplomats back in Empire Total War. Ex: guy shoots himself in the face when the pistol didn't fire during the duel.
  15. Combine Hybrid

    MOH Beta

    Fail EA.
  16. Combine Hybrid

    New handheld - Panasonic "Jungle"

    Fail has written all over it.
  17. Combine Hybrid

    dead rising 2?

    Well that's a great news. I loved DR1 and the way they didn't change anything other than implementing co-op and multiplayer sounds perfectly fine to me.
  18. Combine Hybrid

    Yuji Naka wants to make a Dreamcast 2 (but will probably never happen, lulz) I will 100% DEFINITELY buy it ONLY if they decide to make another Shenmue title along with it. If not, **** it. :laugh:
  19. Combine Hybrid

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow verdict

    the demo is out? "goes off to download"