LVL 147, invaded a player as Darkwraith, stole 20 humanity from him before knocking his ass off the cliff with one swift kick.
I loved every second of it.
Forest hunter covenant is useless. Whenever it makes me invade another player, the player is either in a completely different league with higher level than my character with better equipment or using a god damn fog ring.
I especially hate the fog ring abusers.
My character has shitty...
Not saying the difference is clear like the whole Bayonetta fiasco, but the xbox 360 version has sharper texture while ps3 version has washed out visuals and jaggie shadows.
But then again, you won't even able to tell the difference with whole dogfight going on. Only during the cutscenes.
So, it's essentially Call of Duty on air. Not saying it's bad, but it's certainly a change from previous Ace Combat games.
Played the demo, the only part I didn't like about the game is the helicopter part.
Oh, and if anyone is thinking about getting this game, get the Xbox 360 version...
One thing people are complaining about this game:
It's pretty much empty. You don't see lot of souls and invading/summoning is pretty much non-existent.
This is why Demon's Souls dedicated server is superior to dark souls.
Meh. I will get 3DS when Resident Evil Revelations come out.
Doesn't matter if the system's price is down. There is no point of getting it when it doesn't even have any good titles. I don't care about rehashed garbages.
Yeah sure, and Scarecrow didn't fit in the whole "serious/realistic" interpretation of the Batman universe either, but somehow Nolan pulled it off. And Bane is an ex-wrestler who turned into an assassin/hitman.
Bane is the only villain who actually beats Batman into a pulp. I mean really beat...