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  1. Combine Hybrid

    New Tomb Raider

    The game looks awesome
  2. Combine Hybrid

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Here are my impressions after playing the leaked demo: Graphic is meh, although I'm betting the graphic is only locked in low-medium setting for the demo AI is pretty smart, they know how to take cover and flank positions Combat is interesting Interactivity with the environment is...
  3. Combine Hybrid

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Prove it other wise.
  4. Combine Hybrid

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    More specifically, it's an Alpha build version that only contains 12 hours of game in it. But I heard the AI is still pretty good in Alpha.
  5. Combine Hybrid

    I've compiled a list of (some of) the best free iPhone games

    Cause of Death. It's like choose your own destiny type of game. Story is pretty good.
  6. Combine Hybrid

    Dead Island gameplay video Looks like mixture of Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising, which is a good thing.
  7. Combine Hybrid

    Shadows of the Damned

    Honestly, this game looks stupid.
  8. Combine Hybrid

    Silent Hill 8

    The same guy from last year's uber fail konami conference. The guy with silent stare of death...
  9. Combine Hybrid

    Silent Hill 8

    People seems to get confused "reboot" titles with "stand alone" titles.
  10. Combine Hybrid

    Silent Hill 8

    Origins was a prequel to Silent Hill 1.
  11. Combine Hybrid

    Silent Hill 8

    It's not a sequel. It's a stand alone title. The only direct sequel/prequel titles in the history of SH franchise are Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill Origins. Every other Silent Hill titles are all stand alone titles, excluding Shattered Memories (which is a remake of SH1).
  12. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    He was a Mormon missionary. Anyway, do we get to play as the Burned Man or is he the new companion? This is the part I'm confused with.
  13. Combine Hybrid

    Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

    Well, probably because scorpions aren't considered as "animals" and more like "insects".
  14. Combine Hybrid

    Hitman Absolution announced Well, about time. I thought they were going to waste their time with another garbage like kane and lynch 3.
  15. Combine Hybrid

    Gabe Newell: We've Moved Beyond the Episodic Model

    Fat bastard, just work and focus on Half Life 3 and **** all other sequels.
  16. Combine Hybrid

    Ass Creed rapes history some more

    Pretty much this. The whole "Those who came before us" thing is just ludicrous. AC's plot went further into the toilet drainage because of it.
  17. Combine Hybrid

    PSN Down and Out

  18. Combine Hybrid

    Ass Creed rapes history some more

    Templars are like cockroaches. Kill their leaders and they still manage to thrive every time. This is why Templars are much better than assassins. Even if Altair and Ezio manage to kill their leaders, Templars still manage to beat them and even become one of the strongest organization. It's...
  19. Combine Hybrid

    New Xbox console @ E3?

    Doubt it. MS is focusing so much on their kinect.
  20. Combine Hybrid

    Ass Creed rapes history some more

    Who gives a shit about warring state japan. I'm so tired of these settings. And I doubt Demond has an Asian DNA in him. At least, do French Revolution, 30 Years War, or even American Revolution setting for game like this. Especially the 30 Years War. Someone obviously failed his history class.