Here are my impressions after playing the leaked demo:
Graphic is meh, although I'm betting the graphic is only locked in low-medium setting for the demo
AI is pretty smart, they know how to take cover and flank positions
Combat is interesting
Interactivity with the environment is...
It's not a sequel. It's a stand alone title. The only direct sequel/prequel titles in the history of SH franchise are Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill Origins. Every other Silent Hill titles are all stand alone titles, excluding Shattered Memories (which is a remake of SH1).
Well, about time. I thought they were going to waste their time with another garbage like kane and lynch 3.
Templars are like cockroaches. Kill their leaders and they still manage to thrive every time.
This is why Templars are much better than assassins. Even if Altair and Ezio manage to kill their leaders, Templars still manage to beat them and even become one of the strongest organization. It's...
Who gives a shit about warring state japan. I'm so tired of these settings. And I doubt Demond has an Asian DNA in him.
At least, do French Revolution, 30 Years War, or even American Revolution setting for game like this. Especially the 30 Years War.
Someone obviously failed his history class.