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  1. Lasphere

    Fortress Forever 2.4 Released

    it looks neat and all, but I dont really understand the reasons for making it.. I mean, why not play team fotress 2 if you want a neatlooking fun classbased game? And if you dont want to play tf2, then why not just play the good'old team fortress? But yearh, ofcourse, if you want to play a...
  2. Lasphere

    It's a Plane

    haha thats cool. :D
  3. Lasphere

    Can you manipulate the flow of time - Braid

    I would time travel back to the few seconds before I timetravelled, and get glimpse of myself from behind, and by that to see if the coders of Portal were right about how it looks when someone sees themselves trough a portal. :bounce:
  4. Lasphere

    Third and Final Novint Falcon Giveaway!

    555 seconds.
  5. Lasphere

    Another Novint Falcon Giveaway!

    805! :hmph: :sniper: :p :bounce:
  6. Lasphere

    Novint Falcon Left 4 Dead Support and Giveaway

    yiipee! :P
  7. Lasphere

    Novint Falcon Left 4 Dead Support and Giveaway

    Can I still get the Falcon? :D