Even if this theory would explain a lot of things, I don't like it, because it makes the HL universe unreal. And it's too easy to explain something by making it unreal... It's like saying that we are in the dream of Freeman...
And why would the Vortigaunts fight Valve ?
I'll not argue a lot, but In my opinion, HL needs to keep a "childish" touch:
It's important to have all those little jokes in this serious dark universe.
I don't want a 100% sad&dark game.
We need all those little scripts that make the game alive:
- scientist dying in the elevator -...
yes: http://combineoverwiki.net/wiki/Stalker
Edit: But I don't know if we have proof that Stalkers are really made from human race ?... Even if it seems logical.
I'm wondering what new AI features could Source 2 bring... Maybe the combines could use the environment more.. like being able to construct barricades, that would be fun.
The problem with AI, is that you could spend hours to develop something very complex that only 0.1% of players will notice.
It's a bug.
After being captured, you are supposed to see the mini cut scene and then you should be in a room with 2 walls closing on you.
Maybe you should reload from an older save. Or reload the map just before with the console:
push the console button
> map c2a3d
In my opinion, it's also a master piece for its graphics.
Textures & lighting are well adjusted: Images have a "low frequency" and are very smooth. This is really pleasant and relaxing for your brain who can easily decide what you have to do, who you have to shoot. You just have to focus on the...
Date: 26 november 2000
Bought by: my grandma, for my birthday.
I wanted it because: discussions with friends
Packaging: Game of the year edition, big box.
Bad souvenir: I was stuck for days in the chapter Blast Pit. I didn't realized I had to jump on the big fan.
Best souvenir: the first...
Maybe the combines have centralized all their IT department into the City 17 Citadel :)
It's not a simple theoretical physicist. It's the Freeman. Moreover, The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
It's like asking, in our world, why an occupied country...