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  1. 10n02

    Source 2/Steam Machine/SteamOS: Development Timeframes?

    Source 1 already supports VR head-mounted display (Oculus Rift). I don't know if other Virtual Reality devices will come in the coming years.
  2. 10n02

    What Clothes does Gordon Freeman Wear?

    my photoshop talent :
  3. 10n02

    Any part of Half-Life you don't like?

    I don't like the part when a combine asks me to put the can in the trash; because I don't have my crowbar to kick his f*****g head!!
  4. 10n02

    How close is the Black Mesa Research Facility to a modern lab?

    It's hard to imagine a lab with security guards equipped with gun, kevlar and helmet at each door.
  5. 10n02

    Favourite HL music?

    I also like the musics of the mod Lambda Wars (in development):
  6. 10n02

    Favourite HL music?

    the Freeman badass music
  7. 10n02

    AR2 in Youtube Rewind 2013

    I think the object is too big for 3D printing, it may be expensive.
  8. 10n02

    AR2 in Youtube Rewind 2013

    3:10, it fires a continuous laser beam. not pulses. So it's not exactly an AR2 :).
  9. 10n02

    First Third Party Steam Machine Unveiled

    I really hope this green light can be disabled. Who wants to play with an annoying useless big green light above the TV?
  10. 10n02

    Black mesa source is coming to steam as a retail product(will cost money)

    That could mean that they have signed an NDA with Valve, and they have access to the source code of the Source Engine.. That could be easier for them to debug the switch to the latest version of Source.
  11. 10n02

    Black mesa source is coming to steam as a retail product(will cost money)

    You have to admit, it's hard to believe that the first game to use Source 2 will not be made by Valve.
  12. 10n02

    Would you want a source 2 collection of HL+expansions and one of HL2+episodes?

    It would give a good reason to finish all Half Life series one more time, with a slightly different experiences:) . However, I don't think Valve will spend time to convert 6 games: even if the conversion could be done "automatically", they will certainly need to do some post process on each...
  13. 10n02

    What could Half Life 3 bring ?

    The idea of open world looks good on paper: The universe of HL is so rich and it would be a pleasure to explore a big world. However HL has a lot of platform/puzzle aspects, and it's hard to imagine a good mix between Platform/Puzzle and Open World... But it's not impossible... Or maybe the best...
  14. 10n02

    The Vortessence, and how Alyx and Gordon is involved with it.

    Story of HL3 has leaked. Actually we will learn that Alyx is the sister of Gordon and the Gman is their father. Believe me...
  15. 10n02

    HL1 Mod ideas: Increase difficuly

    Yes I am
  16. 10n02

    HL1 Mod ideas: Increase difficuly

    Hi there, I have begun to create a HL1 mod that takes the original HL and modify some rules in order to increase the difficulty of the game to a "Master Skill" difficulty. My mod is for everyone who know the game by heart and find it too easy (even in the Hard difficulty). So I'm pretty sure...
  17. 10n02

    What Will Your Reaction Be When HL3 Gets Announced?

    First of all, I'll be very skeptical. The number of hoax is too damn high!
  18. 10n02

    [New Series!] A Minute With: HL2: Episode Two

    "Fun fact: The six year break since the release of Half-Life 2"..... Yes.... "Fun" fact...