A long long time ago... i can still remember ...
when someone hacked the demo videos they preloaded over steam. IIRC valve took action, and encrypted the videos before preloading. Not until the day of release did they send out the magic decryption key. Granted, if enough people threw enough...
lol :cool:
Well maybe not the excited part, because duuuh! aren't we all :)
But then the part about playing your own personalised little movie, and what exactly is it that valve does so well? Surely that can warrant a thread, and some further speculation!
EDIT: "Yeah, it's like...
All this recent E3 buzz is making me very excited again! This game looks so fantastic, and that stuff with the crane!!!! omg...
I have to say, i really like this whole idea of playing your own personalised little movie. Seems to be the way things are going these days, like Max Payne, Prince...
Um, where did that torrent link from the front page go??
I started downloading this yesterday but ran out of time, now all the torrent links seem to have gone and i can't finish it.
That's not very funny.
EDIT: Nevermind, i managed to find it on "a large warez site".
Lol! :)
Btw, i live up the top of that little island called England, in the bit called Scotland. I could've sworn this little island was actually called Britain... is something going on i don't know about?!
Yeah, I concede, the graphics in EQ2 are not as good as HL2 or D3. But way to start talking utter crap btw! I am glad you are so informed ...
Yeah the graphics are cartoony looking. Completely deliberately i might add, and it certainly is no bad thing. It *is* a fantasy game afterall! How you...