The feeling that everything is going down the crapper is an age thing I think. When I was young I didn't care, but I remember my grandparents going on about it "when I was a lad ..." lol
Now I hear myself saying it, and I'm only 24 !!
"Kids today ..."
Don't know if this has been posted before, but if it has no doubt D33 will close it.
Its very funny, if you understand it ...
ps. I'm the one being childish?! haha good one.
Its okay, I've worked it out. We should really add this to the forum rules so that people actually know about it :
"No threads about stuff what D33 has already seen, cos he can't be bothered with it, and sod everybody else."
Incedently I tried to find an old thread about it, so I could...
A paradox!!
I can't work out why the badger badger thread was closed? I didn't even get time to leave a comment. Any ideas? This is off-topic afterall and it appeared to be off-topic.
LOL yeah, just remembered this bit as well, where Lister and Rimmer are discussing whats left to eat :
Rimmer: " ... some gum ointment, a pot-noodle... oh! and a tin of dog food."
Lister: "Well its obvious what gets eaten last then isn't it! ... I smegging hate pot-noodle!"
That episode...
ROFL!!! There are so many good quotes :)
more complete ...
Lister: "Good morning"
Machine: "Good morning what would you like?"
Lister: "Um, ... Vindaloo! ... and, um ... Milkshake"
Machine: "What flavour?"
Lister: "Um... Beer!"
And another corker ...
Lister explaining when he...
I'm sure we've done this before, even though I am almost certain that we haven't. How Strange. Its like digital de-ja-vu!
I guess I would post in the poll, though it seems a bit pointless!