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  1. MrD

    How Many Teeth Do You Have?

    LOL! I also have 28, how strange ;)
  2. MrD

    Max Payne 2?

    Probably has something more to do with the pixel shader versions (there is 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.0 and possibly 2.1 - don't ask me where 1.3 went), of which DX 8.1 supports 1.4 i think but older GeForces do not. I'm not sure on the specifics but its something along those lines. :)
  3. MrD

    E-D 3D glasses

    What is C.O.D ? I think I'm a bit out of touch!
  4. MrD

    Any Red Dwarf Fans? (best quotes)

    Thats the one! Fantasic :) That whole scene is just perfect, absolutely perfect! Sorry for hogging this thread with endless supplies of quotes but I absolutely love this show! From "Casandra" (one of my fave episodes): COMPUTER Good evening, Arnold. I've been looking forward to your...
  5. MrD

    Any Red Dwarf Fans? (best quotes)

    Hehe, found that bit in future echoes. This happens after a very strange conversation between lister and rimmer, in which rimmer is clearly talking a load of nonsense and is not part of lister's conversation. Rimmer walks out one side of the room, and almost immediately in the other side ...
  6. MrD

    Any Red Dwarf Fans? (best quotes)

    ROFL!!!! Some good quotes!! They're only £20 a series!!! Complete bargain :) Anyway, I remembered one of my favorites from "Tikka To Ride". The crew are all round a fire, eating barbequed chicken prepare by Kryten ... Lister: "This chicken is good!" (various agreements) Kryten...
  7. MrD

    Any Red Dwarf Fans? (best quotes)

    Hi :) I'm all in the Red Dwarf mood now because the Series 3 DVD is just out in the UK. I was wondering if anyone else here watches it, and what their favorite lines are ... From "Kryten" Rimmer talking about 3 skeleton woman who have clearly been dead for many many years. Kryten (who...
  8. MrD

    Funniest Signitures

    Cool I hope that has the new quote tags. You just go blah to do a quote instead of all that insane formatting you have to do currently.
  9. MrD

    E-D 3D glasses

    LOL! I haven't used these since the week I bought them *blushes* They are quite cool, but the technology is not quite there yet. You get annoying cross-over effects with high-contrasting graphics, where the left eye sees some of what the right eye should see etc. I certainly saw what it...
  10. MrD


    Good avatars require some imagination :)
  11. MrD


    ... ?
  12. MrD


    special relativity broke old stuff like s=d/t general relativity broke special relativity When i say "broke" i mean "showed it wasn't true for all possible scenarios". I think this will turn out true for String Theory, eventually there will be something better. As there will probably...
  13. MrD


    Nothing is ever "proven". hehe isn't this fun :)
  14. MrD


    Okay, chill man, now look who's picking holes. The formulas are not 100% accurate over their expected input domain. That better? The mathematics is sound, but the formulas are flawed. My point, which you seem to agree with, is that String Theory may well be the "theory of everything that...
  15. MrD


    I have read my book, but that is irrelevent. Mathematics is not 100% accurate. To use my example once again, seeing as you seem to have conveniently glossed-over it: S=D/T was once considered "100% accurate" until Einstein figured out that it was only small part of a bigger picture. The...
  16. MrD

    Favorite movie soundtrack

    Well I don't usually notice sound tracks or whatever. But the music for Kill Bill was really cool :)
  17. MrD

    Driving lessons.

    There is a little orange button that says "edit" ...
  18. MrD

    Is atheism a religion?

    LOL! Funnily enough I have thought about that ...
  19. MrD


    Exactly my point! Saying something is "proven" is jumping the gun. If you'll recall the formula S=D/T. This can be used for calculating the speed of an object given the distance it has travelled and the time it took to do so. This was once "proven" mathematically. That is until Einstein came...
  20. MrD


    You didn't prove anything? You implied that string theory was proven.