The fact that you started effectively with the line 'you are all wrong' gave me the impression that was what you were thinking (regardless of what followed). Maybe you didn't say "proved" but the tone of the post gave that impression.
I have a book on string theory, it is very interesting.
God possibly may or may not exist.
How's that?
ps. dawdler, what exactly is a "mooth" point? Is that a point made by a Scottish person, using only their mouth?
The point is you are not trying to predict everything. Sure, the formula can do that, but its not any different from any other formula in that respect (eg. the formula to describe a bouncing ball can predict the path of every possible bouncing ball). The trick is to single out the case you are...
You started your post with "a lot of the theories that you guys have are wrong", so I thought I would bring my post down to your level.
We seem to agree on the predictability issues. The point of my post was that "nothing is proven" which you seem to have missed entirely. Which is probably my...
Um, sorry to be the one to break this to you but... well... the Oracle is not real, it is just a made up story.
There I've done it, and now I feel terrible :(
Seriously though, to say it is "proved" is jumping the gun. Sure maybe these things are all mathematically precise and can...
Whats the point in this argument? We all agree anyway... we agree that there is no way anyone can possibly know. Thus the rest is just down to personal preference.