I'm puzzled as to why G0rgon is still here, and not banned (like his 5 clones before him :/)
on topic: You could improve your menu a little, doesn't really look all that professional :/
Other than that, I bet it's kinda cool to have the vids on DVD (if one only owned a DVD-player :( ). Is...
what's so damn fun about an obvious attention-whore? I am not going to pretend I like him, just because he makes a fool out of himself... I like readable english, and without 15 smileys after each sentence. Is that really wrong of me?
I once got a friend to put GTA on 20 floppies, and then sell them to me :)
took forever to install, but I truly loved the game :D
(told my mom that you'd get negative points if you hit people though.... she fell for it :P)
Chuawenching: I know you're new and all, but please do a quick search before you post. It will help both you and the moderators (so they don't have to do so much cleaning)
and to answer your question: Yes, it will run on your card. It won't run very smooth, but it will indeed run. I myself...
I have no proof for nor the one or the other, so I'm just gonna go ahead and say that I think the hacker/cracker is either lying or unaware that the build is old and unfinished. I'm too tired to speculate further, so I'm just gonna go to bed and dream about HL2...
where's the discussion? I only see a one sentence statement of facts...
yes, trying to shut down EVERYTHING relating to the leak is futile... there, discussion ended :/
Discussing wether it's scripted or not is useless, since it's obvious that it's something that they'll fix before the release. If it works when released, then who cares?
I say chill out, grab a coke, watch TV and before you know it, HL2 is out and you can enjoy it like nothing happened...
haha, that makes me laugh :)
If all they wanted was money, they wouldn't be making HL2 at all. They used the cash from HL1 to start working on HL2.
and if they're greedy, then you're cheap. If you had made a game like HL2, would you not want to get payed for it? Of course the price is a...
What that graph tells me is that your interrest in the final game is just as high right now, as it was when it was first announced...
although I guess your point is that it's still rising, and will become greater for every day that passes. correct?
Nathaniel ~ Who just looooves to nitpick :D
I'm bursting open from the inside, wanting to play HL2 so bad! :)
I haven't tried the alpha yet, and I'm not sure I will... If I do try it, I'm only going to check out the techdemo map, since I mostly just want a becnhmark to see if my computer will handle the (probably not yet fully...
nice analogy :)
perhaps not... only time will tell. One thing is absolutely sure though. it will affect the sales, either in a good or a bad way. there is no way in hell that this sort of thing will go unnoticed economically.
absolutely true. But we're all curious, we're all a little...
I say you go buy it the day you can see the box on your local gamestore shelf with your own two eyes... anything else is subject to lies and cheating, and should never be trusted fully. I want physical proof, not some office clerks word
I want to play the finished game like Valve intended it to be played (don't give much of a shit about VU, sorry), and definitely don't want any spoilers. I don't care much for moral either, but this is an exception. Half-Life totally changed the way I look at modern PC-games, and I want to...
ehm... Vivendi also said that it wouldn't be out Sept. 30:th, and look who was right that time.
I may not trust everything coming out of their mouths blindly, but they do know a hell of a lot more than you about how finished the games is, and when it probably will be going gold.
Valve is NOT going to go RIAA on our asses, I promise you that. First of all, the game WILL be released (sometime), and when it does, the beta's not going to matter anymore. anyone who wants to play Half-Life 2 without bugs, with full effects and everything will buy the game. Not to mention the...