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  1. Nathaniel

    HL2 Source Code

    A lot of people seem to think it's just modified HL1 code. If so, answer me this: where did they get the full HL1 sourcecode? huh?
  2. Nathaniel

    yes or no, source code real?

    Valve have already stated that TF2 WILL be a standalone game. And as far as I know, they haven't purposely lied to us yet. The whole releasedate thing was more of a misunderstanding, they did believe that they could have made the releasedate. ...So I really don't think TF2 is HL2's...
  3. Nathaniel

    yes or no, source code real?

    this is scary...
  4. Nathaniel

    Heres an idea....

    Seeing Black Mesa in the new Source engine would be utter heaven :) God, now you made me want HL2 even more! argh!
  5. Nathaniel

    Half Life 2 installation on a 'fresh' WinXP Pro or not?

    I probably won't reinstall windows, since I've mastered the art of keeping my install nice and clean by cleaning a lot and defragging atleast once a week (believe me, it needs to be done). but I might format when I switch out my old GeForce DDR for a brand spankin' new Radeon 9600Pro, since I...
  6. Nathaniel

    New Conspiracy Theory

    You have to consider the time it took to create a brand new game-engine from scratch. Consider the time it took to create the awesome physics you'll skip school to stay home and play with, consider the incredible models and speech engine, consider the detailed maps and surroundings making...
  7. Nathaniel

    New Conspiracy Theory

    Has anyone even considered the fact that Valve might just want to make the greatest game of all times? That maybe the task of creating a game that's better than Half-Life (#1 best game ever, 5 years in a row in PCGamer) seems somewhat daunting? That maybe they're artists who just want their art...
  8. Nathaniel

    The HL Storyline Thread

    There was another thread asking how long it would take for a Headcrab to mutate a person into a Zombie. They discussed it a lot, but never came to a conclusion. Then I noticed you mentioning you had recently turned into a Zombie :D
  9. Nathaniel

    The HL Storyline Thread

    so why don't YOU answer all our questions on how long it takes to become a zombie? after all, you recently became one :borg:
  10. Nathaniel

    Television Adverts

    The Perfect Commercial :) oh, how I love minimalism
  11. Nathaniel

    Half-Life 3 timeline (attempt at humor)

    haha, that really made my day :D is anyone else feeling that slight tingling sensation down your spine when you realise that September 30th is approaching kinda fast? I sure am...
  12. Nathaniel

    Win 2k or XP for HL2?

    Win XP Pro ...the reason? well, it's already installed... errors? like what? the only errors I get are from software that's full of bugs. I can't remember WinXP ever giving me a hard time by itself. and that "rounded corners" talk is pure and utter crap, and you know it. Both the winXP...
  13. Nathaniel

    Why subscription is a silly idea.

    this first post is just stupid... If you would have bought HL2 back then, you wouldn't have bought the subscription, but rather the full package, pay-once-play-forever edition, and thus the cost would have been exactly the same... If you only want SP and perhaps don't want to play it over a 3...
  14. Nathaniel

    recording the game ???

    LOL Nostra has the best. avatar. ever! :D [on topic] uhm, yeah... read the confirmed topic...
  15. Nathaniel

    Monitor in Steam showed 'Half-Life 2 Movies'

    My steam preloaded some new HL2 movie a few days ago. It was defintiely a preload because I went on at nearly full capacity for more than an hour, and it said "Half-Life2 movies" :) Now I'll just stay put and wait for them to unlock it so I can watch it in all it's glory...
  16. Nathaniel

    HL2 to linux petition

    This is pointless.. for every Linux sir-know-a-lot there is of course a Windows sir-know-a-lot. The point is, Linux has been proven to be stable. Windows has a loooong reputation of being "somewhat less" stable. People go with what they know. Unless Microsoft starts putting out more secure...
  17. Nathaniel

    HL2 to linux petition

    I'd like an OS with the stability and safety of linux and the ease and lightweight feel of windows XP (or 2k) or perhaps even a totally new UI, redesigned from the ground to allow for both expert tweaks and usability. I've tried linux once, but removed it due to it being way to complex. I had...
  18. Nathaniel

    Gordon's Hair

    from Gordons hair to star trek and borgs... this is one of the worst hijackings of a topic I've ever seen :P
  19. Nathaniel

    hl2 lan conditions

    Ricochet is the embarrasing Valve-family uncle that no one wants to know or talk about... I wonder if we could use a flash animation on the forum mainpage which states in bright flashing colors "HL2 MP IS A SECRET!!! HUSH!!!"
  20. Nathaniel

    Map size!

    it's been discussed... but I guess it's nice for those that missed the other threads. I'm really looking forward to that buggy-map. I just can't even begin to imagine all the cool stuff you'll be able to pull off there :D