Ive cheated before, but I only cheat agaisnt otehr cheaters. Kind of "who has the best cheats" type thing. Quite fun humiliating people with crap hacks. No innocents hurt.
x800 Pro - 12 Pipelines - Pixel shader model 2.0 - 475MHz GPU Clock Speed - 256MB 900MHz GDDR3
6800GT - 16 pipelines - Pixel Shader model 3.0 - 350MHz GPU clock speed - 256MB 1000MHz high speed DDR3
So the x800 pro has slower memory, faster core clock speed, but only supports up to PS2.0...
Now I registered my steam account a while back with a different email than i currently use. Now i take it email is involved at some stage with the purchase on steam. Is there any way (for anyone whos ordered) to send the confirmation email to a different email address?
*watches american economy collapse as everyone skives work to play CS:S. Valve will then take over the country due them being the only oens with money. Genius.*
What the **** is wrong with people on this board? "OMG no HLDM omg im not buying it fuk you valve ga cs lame". ****ing idiots. HL2 was never about the MP. It was always about the SP and thats all I wanted from it. The MP was always going to be about the mods. HLDM doesnt need to be in. It will...