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  1. PainLord

    Official Site Update

    I remember Gabe saying a while back that he doesnt put much effort into websites, hed rather let the community cover it.
  2. PainLord

    HL2 out during exam time.

    I revised and did shit in my mocks. I revised a lot less for GCSE and got good grades. There's no logic in revision.
  3. PainLord

    Great, they launch HL2 just in time to be overshadowed by Halo's Launch

    Different platform. Won't affect sales much, if at all.
  4. PainLord

    Anyone doing a reformat before release?

    Oooh I wont be wearing anything :afro:
  5. PainLord

    Anyone doing a reformat before release?

    I'm going one better and getting a whole new PC delivered this friday: A64 3500+ 1024MbPC3200 6800GT 200Gb SATA Audigy 2 ZS :bounce: :thumbs:
  6. PainLord

    Confirmation (Possibly, heh) that the hl2.php wasn't a test.

    Sorry, but this is older than Jesus.
  7. PainLord

    will this comp run HL2?

    Youll be able to run it on low, maybe medium graphics settings. An upgrade is highly advisable though.
  8. PainLord

    Ditch The Cheats

    Ive cheated before, but I only cheat agaisnt otehr cheaters. Kind of "who has the best cheats" type thing. Quite fun humiliating people with crap hacks. No innocents hurt.
  9. PainLord

    Why Dell PC's!!??

    There must be something seriously wrong with your Aleinware then.
  10. PainLord

    Graphics Card for HL2 - Poll - NEW!

    x800 Pro - 12 Pipelines - Pixel shader model 2.0 - 475MHz GPU Clock Speed - 256MB 900MHz GDDR3 6800GT - 16 pipelines - Pixel Shader model 3.0 - 350MHz GPU clock speed - 256MB 1000MHz high speed DDR3 So the x800 pro has slower memory, faster core clock speed, but only supports up to PS2.0...
  11. PainLord

    CSS Pics of all map on the highest settings. Enjoy.

    Are those jeeps in aztec? :eek:
  12. PainLord

    Anyone with a silver package, do you get...

    Its on hold.
  13. PainLord

    Paste your screenshots so far :D

    Bloody hell. Id actually feel sorry for the hossies if they were shot. So real :bounce:
  14. PainLord

    Email adresses

    Never mind, found the change contact email option in steam. Never noticed that before. Lock topic if you wish.
  15. PainLord

    Email adresses

    What do you mean? Do you get a new cd key with the purchase or something?
  16. PainLord

    Email adresses

    Now I registered my steam account a while back with a different email than i currently use. Now i take it email is involved at some stage with the purchase on steam. Is there any way (for anyone whos ordered) to send the confirmation email to a different email address?
  17. PainLord

    HL2 Steam offers available Thursday (and CS:S)

    *watches american economy collapse as everyone skives work to play CS:S. Valve will then take over the country due them being the only oens with money. Genius.*
  18. PainLord

    World Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn (Info about Multiplayer)

    That may be your opinion, but it was never highly rated through the community tbh.
  19. PainLord

    World Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn (Info about Multiplayer)

    What the **** is wrong with people on this board? "OMG no HLDM omg im not buying it fuk you valve ga cs lame". ****ing idiots. HL2 was never about the MP. It was always about the SP and thats all I wanted from it. The MP was always going to be about the mods. HLDM doesnt need to be in. It will...