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  1. PainLord

    We need screenshots & movies! PLEASE!

    Ignore this
  2. PainLord

    We need screenshots & movies! PLEASE!

    Is that official or just an assumption?
  3. PainLord

    We need screenshots & movies! PLEASE!

    No ones playing it yet because its still locked. Just be pateint.Im at a cyber cafe now. Ill post when its unlocked.
  4. PainLord

    So who is going to a cyber cafe?

    Im going for an all nighter at my lan cafe when its released! :farmer:
  5. PainLord

    Half-Life 2 - Not so good looking ?

    One thing I dont understand is, is that people say HL2 now looks dated compared to D3 and Far Cry. But we knew and had seen pictures of these games when HL2 was announced, but back then, we said that it looked better than Far Cry and maybe doom 3. So no other games have really come along. Whats...
  6. PainLord

    High Resolution Bink of Counter-Strike Source.

    I got it off FilePlanet but when i try to open it, nothing happens and the PC slows right down. :frown:
  7. PainLord

    I-Cafe's pre-load CS:S?

    Well im going into my LAN cafe today so ill find otu whats going on for definate from them.
  8. PainLord

    recording movies in HL2?

    I want someone to fall off a skyscraper into a glass roof. So cool :farmer:
  9. PainLord

    Info received from Valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion

    The server simulated objects should be fairly deterministic whereas the client simulated objects can vary significantly. Yahn -----Original Message----- From: Gabe Newell Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 1:29 PM To: 'Ross Gallagher' Cc: Yahn Bernier Subject: RE: Question on demo...
  10. PainLord

    recording movies in HL2?

    Got one from Yahn and Gabe. Oh well, two is better than one :E The server simulated objects should be fairly deterministic whereas the client simulated objects can vary significantly. Yahn -----Original Message----- From: Gabe Newell Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 1:29 PM To...
  11. PainLord

    recording movies in HL2?

    I've just emailed Gabe. All will be answered soon :farmer:
  12. PainLord

    is this true cs source has been leaked

    Its the leak that came with the year old HL2 leak. Nothing new. Just a lot of people didnt new CS:S came with the HL2 leak.
  13. PainLord

    One Hell Of A Secret Exclusive

    Definatley Doom 3. Its a lot like PCG UK to put a small clue in that type of thing.
  14. PainLord

    Still willing to call the HL2 box pic fake?

    The box art is on roughly 48234023740320 sites. Go figure.
  15. PainLord

    HL2 Flashlight in Action

    Gordon doesnt wear a helmet in the game. Use the third person cheat in HL if you dont believe me.
  16. PainLord

    leak rumor

    Its just the HL2 leak. Its just patched and has various bits of CS:S in it. Nothing new.
  17. PainLord

    Half-Life 2 Coupon

    Your monitor is too old or you have some driver issues. It isnt the card. As for the 9600XT, it runs Far Cry on near max settings at 65fps.
  18. PainLord

    New Cs:s Movie

    Can't wait for some sweet ragdoll kills :E Looking forward to it.
  19. PainLord

    Screen Capture for WMP

    In the interface, click Tools --> Options --> Performance --> Advanced and untick use overlays. You can now screenshot films and paste them into a photo program.
  20. PainLord

    Confirmed Sightings * SPOILERS *

    Crossbow and a machine gun (like an M249 or something) were visible in the weapon selection menu.