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  1. PainLord

    Could the lack of info on the game provoked the hack attack?

    I was just thinking that Valve released so little info on the game that many gamers deperatley wanted to know more about the game. Is it posssible that this was the drive behind the hackers? They wanted to know more and using their hacking knowledge stole source code and vital data from Valve...
  2. PainLord

    Good News....Delay Appears False!!

    I damn hope they are right and Valve release a statement soon.
  3. PainLord

    We must support Valve in these troubled times

    I say we start a website.
  4. PainLord

    HL2 Beta does NOT exist because...

    That "1.3GB Beta" was just a ton of gay porn.
  5. PainLord

    Valve: Solution to Source Leak

    I just realised, the hackers could also/might have already hacked into the company who makes Vampire computers. Methinks they should set up tighter security.
  6. PainLord

    Hacker holding real game?

    Wheres the last one from? The gunship is phootshopped in by the way.
  7. PainLord

    DOD 1.3 best mod for HL2....gone

    Snowtown, Omaha, Hill, sweet memories. Omaha was a great map.
  8. PainLord

    Doom 3 Demo on Bittorrent

    Go grab it. Its not the crappy leaked alpha either. Its the proper thing. I havnt got it my self because my PC is too crap butt its out there. I assure you.
  9. PainLord

    Novel of Alctraz Event

    Whats gabes mail address?
  10. PainLord

    Single Player tomorrow??

    I think there will be feck all on shelves tomorrow. And you might be bullshitting anyway.
  11. PainLord

    halflife 2 complete...

    Just shut up and deal with it. Theres nothing you oranyone else can do. Its been delayed. Life goes on. Christ, this forum gets worse by the day.
  12. PainLord

    halflife 2 complete...

    You stupid people. HL2 isnt being delayed for just that reason. They are also doing hardware tweaks so just shush. :flame:
  13. PainLord

    You may see more of HL2 sooner than you think Hmm....
  14. PainLord

    HL2 Benchmark

    I bet its called Half-LifeMark 2003 :afro:
  15. PainLord

    Youve gotta give Valve credit

    Re: Re: Youve gotta give Valve credit But those were like "Q3 2001 for example. Not an exact day.
  16. PainLord

    delay = loyality?

    They might rent out a bigass connection for a while such as OC-48. As those things cost a large fortune, they would set it up until a few days before. Or they may just add more bandwith. Actually im suprised ATI havnt offered some bandwith. Nvidia has 200mb of it.
  17. PainLord

    Youve gotta give Valve credit

    Its in the tokyo thread I think.
  18. PainLord

    Please dont hurt me for this

    You didnt play it. Unless its the HL1 one.
  19. PainLord

    When doug refers to holiday season, does he mean christmas or thanksgiving?

    Just an off topic question to all you americans out there. what exactly is thanksgiving all about?