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  1. Cooper

    Your being watched...

    So, let me get this straight. A satellite can see you when you are outside, which is where everyone else can see you (unless your behind a bush or something) which is called public. Wait, so now the government can not only see my face from the ground but also my bald spot from space. Seeing as...
  2. Cooper

    Cool weapons

    That was actually a crappier version of the real video. I have the real one on my hard drive but I don't know how to host it so I just posted this one since it was the only vid I could find. The longer version shows alot more.
  3. Cooper

    Cool weapons

  4. Cooper

    Real vid of an Apache attack *explicit*

    Well, I was going to post more reasons why I thought the Iraqi would be dead before a medic reached him but the discussion sort of got away from that so I'll just leave it be. However, here are my own personal beliefs. First, if my country is invaded I will be on the frontline there isn't a...
  5. Cooper

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    For me it is a toss up between HL2 and D3. HL2 has this real life gritty feel to it while D3 makes it seem like I am inside a movie I think both graphics support their respective games very well.
  6. Cooper

    Real vid of an Apache attack *explicit*

    The man was hit by a 30mm, unless he lost his big toe (he wouldn't be crawling if he had) he would have been dead by the time the ground forces had reached him. If you remember from the article ground forces were not very close thats the whole reason the apaches engaged instead of waiting.
  7. Cooper

    And they say Americans are stupid

    Woops, good point. ;)
  8. Cooper

    And they say Americans are stupid

    I feel said for anyone who can't locate their OWN country on a map.
  9. Cooper

    New Far Cry movies

    True, the draw distance is impressive and the lushness (is that a word?) looks like its finally done right in a game. I think the best game to compair to Far Cry is Stalker since they are both about survival yet one is in a city and another on a island, so forgive me if I compair those two...
  10. Cooper

    New Far Cry movies

    I don't know if it is just me but Far Cry doesn't seem all that impressive. Its graphics are fairly good but besides that not much more stands out about it.
  11. Cooper

    Soldner Intro

    The game looks like it's going to be a BF killer if you ask me. Here is the new intro: What do you guys think?
  12. Cooper

    I'm depressed, need to vent....

    It's mostly the army who are occupying Iraq at the moment. If he is in as bad straights as he says then he should just head down and join the military, he could try something like the navy if direct combat isn't his cup of tea.
  13. Cooper

    Developer you most admire/respect

    Toss up between Black Isle and Valve. On one hand BI made the best RPGs ever (IMO) however I don't know of any other developers who answer more emails then Valve.
  14. Cooper

    Your top5 favorite upcoming game

    Half-Life 2 Doom III Far Cry Soldner Stalker
  15. Cooper

    Should games publishers start making games available on DVD???

    If you have a DVD drive can it still run CDROMs as well?
  16. Cooper

    What does USA think of the world?

    Anyway, back on topic. :cheers: The funny part about the US is that the country is so big that it almost seems like it's own little world. If you go up north to washington everyone is pale from the lack of sun and it seems almost subdued and depressing in some places (where it always rains)...
  17. Cooper

    This is where HL2 is going

    What more media do you want? New screens or movies of what? The more they reveal the less surprises the game has, which is what was so cool about the first game. Never knowing what could be around the next corner. Really, besides announcing the release date there isn't much more to say.
  18. Cooper

    NFS:U opinions

    Yay, lets all gang up and flame on the dude whos taste in games doesn't involve shooting pedestrians.... Best selling eh? Slaves were the best selling item back in the 1800s perhaps slavery should be known as the greatest luxury product of all time?
  19. Cooper

    NFS:U opinions

    Ii'm not into car games and I thought GTA was stupid. It was like the ultimate game for pimple faced kids to vent their rage upon society.