Meh, how many do you think were killed in the many Roman campaigns? Medieval Ages? How about the Greeks or perhaps the conquesting of South America and Africa. War has been around for a very long time my friend. With a higher population comes more casualties, not very surprising.
Yes, some...
I played this mod for a while on CoD. Probably the best infantry WWII multiplayer I have ever played. Most people can't handle HoB battle though, it isn't your average CounterStrike/DoD game. Requires a different sort of play style and a heck of a lot more teamwork.
Gald to see you guys are...
I would get a 360 to play Oblivion but what makes the game so great after you have played it for a few months is the mods. I am willing to sacrifice graphical superiority for mods.
Has anyone in this entire forum ever served on either team? Heck, have any of you ever actually served in the military? Civilians know the real military like squirrels know what its like to be on the moon.
Besdies, if a time ever comes where we have to find out which side is better then you...
Dues if you seriously want to get into law enforcement then check out this:
There is no better information then the stuff directly from the source.
Anybody else feel a little sorry for the mice. Getting limbs cut off and all? No....?
OK then.
The human body is so much more complex then a mouse, I wonder how effective it would be for us. Although, growing back a hand after your wife cut it off in a heated arguement over spaghetti...
Humans are not creatures that do things only out of necessity. It is not necessary for a bunch of guys to grab a ball and jump on top of each other, but they do it out of enjoyment. Same with ice cream, it isn't necessary but we enjoy it. Life is about many things and one of them is pleasure...
Skaadi I respect your desire to live a life with no sex or family outside of relatives. However, deciding not to have any love in your life from a partner at the age of fourteen is a little odd. May I ask what brought you to your decision?
I personally don't really see a lot of enjoyment in...
It really depends on how attracted you are to this girl. Is public affection important to you? Ask yourself that, also, how long will you go through a relationship where the other person doesn't trust you enough to tell you what is on their mind. Think carefully about how much you are willing to...
JNightshade is right, this post isn't necessary and we can see where it has lead to. You guys need to get a nice kick of reality into you, seeing things on the internet is vastly different then real life and posting disturbing images just for the sake of it, especially when it usually means the...
It is the Soldier,
not the reporter who has given us freedom of press
It is the Soldier,
not the poet who has given us freedom of speech
It is the Soldier,
not the campus organizer who gives us freedom to demonstrate
It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
Pffftt... Converse.
I'd go with New Balance. If your going to get some shoes at least get shoes that are useful, because you never know when your going to have to outrun something.
That second post of pictures doesn't look anything like what I get. Of course, those pictures looked like they were running HDR. Which my card can't. Old GF 4. For me personally, I enjoyed the physics but graphically speaking. I am not that impressed really. It may just be me and my card though.