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  1. brisck1

    DayHard Mod is out

    omg morgan freeman is a chav! :P this looks hilarious, cant wait to play it when I get home.
  2. brisck1

    Warren Spector. Steam. Orgasm.

    Yep it's definately a next-gen head alright! Think of how many polys you'd have to use to get such a degree of roundness!
  3. brisck1

    Warren Spector. Steam. Orgasm.

    I dont trust that guy, his head is far too round!
  4. brisck1

    new HL:S HD pack (with new textures + ragdolls)

    Yeah please post some visuals!
  5. brisck1

    Why doesnt FUNC_BRUSH cast shadows?!

    I need to know why, even though there is an option for it to do so, will my func_brush entities not cast shadows? they can recieve them fine which is odd, and are lit beautifully. I know there are other ways to block light to create shadows, but at the moment me and my coder are trying to...
  6. brisck1

    First Moon News

    im with sixthree on this, sorry.
  7. brisck1

    Is it possible to do this...?!

    I need to make a non solid brush which will cast shadows like normal bsp geometry does. It will be a static brush and will never move. I have tried func_illusionary and func_brush but neither casts lightmap shadows. Is there any way of achiving this?
  8. brisck1

    E-Force Update

    doesnt anyone get tired of model renders?
  9. brisck1

    Would you like a different intro/outro for HL2?

    I would have liked a longer train journey too - starting in the wastelands and working your way into C17
  10. brisck1

    Check out this guy's Halloween Costume

    lol I love the wa you guys think that photoshop can do everything including HDRI rendering :P
  11. brisck1

    Half-Life 2 Xbox Hands On Preview

    nah that is bloom lighting :O wierd, is this a misplaced SS? If XBox has been reduced in most areas graphically, I cant see why they'd add bloom lighting?!
  12. brisck1

    Sprint function is destroying Deathmatch

    Hey Badger which servers do you most frequent on? just incase I fancy testing your l33t skills ;) :P
  13. brisck1

    cubemap limit?

    The safest way is to place the cubemap near the area you want it to create reflections and assign brush faces manuallly (within it's properties) of which that cubemap should be assgned to.
  14. brisck1

    Amd64&nf4 Sli Mobo Psu Problem - Help!

    ah cool, im going to try it tonight I think the worst that would happen is some instability - and in which case I will upgrade my PSU but otherwise I think I'll be ok as Im not going to be using the SLI option. (bought an ATI x800 XT)
  15. brisck1

    Amd64&nf4 Sli Mobo Psu Problem - Help!

    Just went and checked out these threads: Lots of usful info on my problem there, many for and against using a 20pin connector in a 24 pin slot. It works but has pro's and cons mainly based on your...
  16. brisck1

    Amd64&nf4 Sli Mobo Psu Problem - Help!

    Hi guys, I recently did quite a big upgrade to my system and forked out on an Asus NForce4 SLI mobo with an AMD64 3500 CPU and new PCI express. Now everything went well when putting it all together but now I seem to have hit a brick wall and need urgent help. I bought a new 500wat PSU...
  17. brisck1

    Need Advice-£700 For A Big Upgrade

    "Whatever you get it's worth waiting for the new A64's that are coming out this month (Venice cores)" Warbie can you give me, or point me to some more info on these Venice core tech? - what benifits will it have over the AMD64's out now?
  18. brisck1

    Need Advice-£700 For A Big Upgrade

    Hi guys, it's been nearly 2 years since I last upgraded my PC and i've been putting abit of money aside each month for a new upgrade as it looks like my motherboard is about to pack up. Trouble is im not quite sure what to get with my money as im abit behind on technology these days. I...
  19. brisck1

    DM_Depot_RC2 Released (needs mirrors!!)

    Thanks alot Joule, Im so glad you like the changes and improvements I've made! Makes it all worth while! :) I also added a crowbar somewhere in the map for those combine Team DM who prefer the crowbar over the stun stick ;)
  20. brisck1

    DM_Depot_RC2 Released (needs mirrors!!)

    Please let me know your first impressions of RC2! :)