Well since RC1 I awaited patiently for any signs of the competition results and the deadline came and went and as did the notification date and when it became obvious I wasn't in the finals I decided to go back and work on my map and take my time to make it more like my original vision.
well if you find DM so 'boring' why bother doing it at all? im sure all of the other players on the 'few' servers you messed up were not chuckling
If you had half a brain you'd know that server admins do not have the ablity to just remove the headcrab or other objects from maps to stop morons...
I dont know what I hate more, GI model renders or bland uninteresting screenshots of highly unfinished levels.
Im sure they are making a fantastic mod, but why would you want to sell yourself on these crappy shots?
good work clarky, using realt world refrences to your maps is what makes it truely believable and realistic. Just make sure you make it fun at the same time though.
I wonder if it is done through lightmaps or whether they built a mockup window behind the glass which would be used to cast shadows but can't be seen at render time.
Ive been doing some optimisation tests recently and am a little concerned when I check my brushes are occuding in wireframe mode 1, its seems to show that the brushes are being drawn throughout the level all at once. by this I mean that if I look through a wall in a building I can see all the...
DM_DepotRC1 (latest version) is currently in rotation on the PCZone servers and runs pretty smooth with 16 players on my machine.
I do sympathise with you not being able to find updated versions of maps though. I dont know how many time i've seen Dm_depot beta1&2 being played (old...
That app is only good up to a point. To be honest UV mapping isnt that scary unless your mesh is a mess or you havent read any tutorials on unwrapping and texturing your uv's.
There are hundreds of tuts out there.
Can you post a wireframe of your model?