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  1. brisck1

    Weekly Valve update?

    Im still waiting in anticipation for this... I havent heard anything yet, could be a bad sign :(
  2. brisck1

    Pimp your current WIP's!

    Yep definately a porno mod :P Mu Rho you are a master
  3. brisck1

    OICW in game

    Looking good sam - the ban is a little harsh though I feel...
  4. brisck1

    Compiling Shite

    and dont forget to use the almighty NODRAW texture on surfaces not in the view of the player
  5. brisck1

    Weekly Steam News (26/01/04)

    not another CS map :( hope they give us some more DM material soon
  6. brisck1

    Compiling Shite

    only if your vvis is set to full. You should really use fast
  7. brisck1

    Half-Life 2 LDK (Alternative to the 200mb SDK)

    B&W - is that black and white mode? If so what was the console command you used to enable it?
  8. brisck1

    Secret of Mana Mod Update

    This is a stunning mod so far. You guys shouldnt take the deadline too seriously, it's just for those who always demand a release date despite the fact that rlease dates never stick. I hope nintendo doesn't jump on this project and kill it like so many other mods based on published titles.
  9. brisck1

    Custom models & textures in maps?

    its all there in the sdk documentation. Have a look, it's a good read.
  10. brisck1

    Creating an intro like the G-Man's

    does it show how the post image processing effects were done?
  11. brisck1

    Creating an intro like the G-Man's

    I'd realy like to know how the screen FX such as black and white, crossfade etc were achived. I have looked at the trainstation map closely but still not come up with any ideas...
  12. brisck1

    Help deleting faces in Hammer - Pic included

    Its still best to nodraw on those faces as it will drastically speed up your compile times and optimse the way BSP works
  13. brisck1

    Detailed Apartment Building

    Amazing work Exavior. I can tell you have worked your ass off on this and you have achieved a new level of machinima quality. Can you give us some info on what the comedy series is about? :) well done mate
  14. brisck1

    Release - dm_watergate redux!

    amen to that Pi MU Rho. You are never going to please veryone. Be glad that the majority think it's an excellent map
  15. brisck1

    Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Maps

    If you took 5 minutes to look down in this forum you would see there are plenty!
  16. brisck1

    scroll textures hl2

    Yeah i'd love to know how this works also!
  17. brisck1

    Image FX - Gman intro - how was it done?

    Just found a program over and the VERC forums that decompiles Valve maps and I took a look at the trainstation map. Sadly there is no mention of this entity though :( Env overlay is nowhere to be seen
  18. brisck1

    Image FX - Gman intro - how was it done?

    well I just want to play with the ones Valve used and are already there in the gman intro right now
  19. brisck1

    Image FX - Gman intro - how was it done?

    I heard its something called env_screenoverlay but you need to bput in the names of the screen overlays, I wonder if they are listed somewhere