I was watching the intro witht he Gman at the beginning of the game yesterday and was wondering how they achieved the wierd normal>inverted>black & white FX?
How did they do this? im really interest to find out as I've got some great ideas if I can utilise it!
I cant get it there on time, and as of yet, nobody can post it/deliver it for me over in WA (washington?) so unfortunately I guess not :( quite sad really, but I guess i learnt alot from making this map. I just hope people enjoy playing it :)
Thanks for the compliments guys. The wierd whiteish line around everything come from the way I resize my images in Photoshop CS as I use the 'Bicubic - sharper' method. Used it because it seemed to keep the image quality when resizing, anyway glad you are enjoying this release.
Hi guys, well after a week of pounding out the bugs, performance and gameplay issues on this map Im glad to say this much improved version is now ready for download.
Alot has changed in this version and the main improvemnts being Performance and gameplay. Here is a quick list of improvements...
Working on one at the moment. It will be a pretty big update with a good increase in performance and will hopefully be bug-free.
Beta 2 was rushed out really to give players something a little more complete and playable as beta 1 was full of bugs.
I found out the reason for the mediocre...
looks really polished now mate and the addition of the combine structure fits in nicely and looks great.
Make sure to send this to PCZone before they publish.
Im working on a 3rd beta right now which is about 50% better performance and hopefully bug free, hoping to make the same issue
finally got my cluster portals down and learnt an important lesson in func_detail brushes, but it seems fates is against me yet again...lol now when I load my map the load bar get half way then decides to go back again! :P aaaagh, i think its an entitiy problem but im so so so damn dissapointed...
Lincoln, as I said earlier these are fixed now and im trying to optimise.
I have to say im really struggling on this, If I knew how to use hint brushes etc I would be alot better off. I got a few ideas, but i may have to change a few details of the map though
If anyone can see any obvious...
Thanks for the honesty guys, I think I may have set my ambitions a little too high but Im not going to give up on it anyway. The next release should be a hell of a lot more playable and you really shouldnt judge the first beta as a final product.
At the end of the day if I win or not im just...