No far from it. In fact this is only the first beta of the map. I've fixed a list of bugs as long as my arm since just today in fact. I may release another beta tonight for testing.
Right now all I really have left to do is optimise, and Im looking for ideas! :)
Thanks alot green bunny! I have fixed them and now if you try and jump on the train from above you get killed instantly (more like real life) :P
EDIT: IMPORTANT NOTE: It seems my cubemaps did not save into this beta either. To fix bad reflections, type "buildcubemaps" into the console. It...
No I dont recall that... although I do have 6 ladders in the map. I'll check them out but I dont think there will be another release before I send them off. Maybe tonight, but I dont think im going to have enough time :(
OK guys this is just the kind of feedback I need! :) I'll get on it today, both are easily fixed!
That ladder was ment to be moved but due to tiredness and lack of time last night I just forgot.
Anyway, so does anyone have a dedicated server up yet?
P.S. Here are some high res...
Well im tired and it's very very late but im glad to say the first beta version is ready for playtesting!!
Firstly let me just make some notes about this beta.
Its a very early un-optimised version and as of now the performance isnt great, but remember this beta is mainly about how it...
Hey satch dont give up!!! Im sure map is good enough! Plus im kinda worried my entry will not even get to Valve on time either as I got only 2 more days to complete and send it off :( then thats 5 days of wondering if it actually arrives on time...
I dont think i'll win anyway.
Here are some WIP shots of my attempt of recreating the HDR 'bloom' style effect of light shining in through the windows.
Not sure if it will make it into the final release though as it eats up framerates.
Thanks again for the positive feedback guys! Seems like this is finally starting to come together now! :) all I have to finish off is inside to old factory and one more little building. After that i'll spend my time trying to add some visual touches to the level to get it looking perfect...
Updated Shots
Hi guys just thought I'd post some more updated screen shots. Ive been mainly finishing off the geometry for the level today. Added a few little places to hide from sniping and squashed alot of bugs. Still not happy with the lighting and seem a bit too 'saturated' and a little...
Thanks guys, more screenshots coming later tonight. Yeah I want to playtest the map before I send it to Valve really and so I'll be releasing a beta tomorrow night if someone can host the file please let me know.
HDR whereart thou indeed. I wish they'd spill the beans on how they do this in...
Thanks for all the comments guys, dont worry about any nodraw areas its noted and on my fix list :)
In the process of adding props now. You are right on the trains roaring through th station actually. Im trying to design the map in a way that makes you want to rush down the railroad tracks...