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  1. brisck1

    What is the name of the entity to create an NPC?

    Thanks guys, thanks Cunbelin that is exactly what I have done>created a single player mod. I'll try that tonight! Will It give me a list of npc entities when done? cheers
  2. brisck1

    What is the name of the entity to create an NPC?

    I would have thought this was as straight forward as NPC_Zombie or something similar but im totally stumped. I know its a total noob question but have patience with me please! :P
  3. brisck1

    Lighting proplems - Any tut's?

    THANKS Dark! That was the problem. What the hell is "extra" supposed to do I wonder? Mine defaulted to it so I gathered that was the best setting. Nevermind. One more problem down ;)
  4. brisck1

    Lighting proplems - Any tut's?

    Thanks guys, just tried what you suggested Dark Elf, renamed the map and re-compiled it under a different name, but unfortunately it still comes out the same :( I had a look at the log file but im not really sure what im lookin at... seems a bit wierd the amount of (0)'s that keep popping...
  5. brisck1

    Lighting proplems - Any tut's?

    Hey guys just moved on to my next problem now. Ive created a test map with a skybox and an env_light entity in it and a normal light entity to test lighting, but when I compile the map (made sure vis and the rest are ON) it comes into hl2 unlit... in the console the only error the the map is...
  6. brisck1

    why are some models invisable?

    I managed to fix it by checking "sleep" option it the properties. This makes it static until any force it applied to it
  7. brisck1

    why are some models invisable?

    I just experienced something similar when I added a prop_physics entity using the wasteland radiator.mdl. I could hear it hit the ground when starting my map, but when I look around it's nowhere to be seen!
  8. brisck1

    Anyone managed to get 3D MAX models into Hammer yet?

    Yeah i tried playing with scale in Max and zooming in and out in the viewport in HLMV. The view should fit the model into its view when it's loaded in though
  9. brisck1

    Anyone managed to get 3D MAX models into Hammer yet?

    Thanks sidewinder, I actually used that to start off with, but as im working in a new Mod folder it was very confusing. however I did eventually find these tutorials which helped emmensly
  10. brisck1

    Anyone managed to get 3D MAX models into Hammer yet?

    Oh man its so hard to find a step-by-step guide for beginners. I tried using that SMD exporter and followed this tutorial but my model just doesnt appear in model viewer at all... The tut: I really would like to know how to set up folders...
  11. brisck1

    Anyone managed to get 3D MAX models into Hammer yet?

    Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone who is using max 6-7 for there projects has managed to successfully get a model from MAX to Hammer yet? Im still waiting for an exporter for MAX right now and im desperate to get started but so far I have no idea if anyone has successfully managed to get an...
  12. brisck1

    [Help] Max -> HL2MV

    I hope we get all the export options that XSI and Maya users get!
  13. brisck1

    sdk 3ds max exporter

    This will probably be fixed/compiled by someone in the community in the next few days hopefully. Its a bit of a pain in the meantime though :(
  14. brisck1

    Please help me with my HIGH ping! :(

    Only way I fixed this on mine was to disable my firewall alltogether. For some reason it was trying to access an unknown port.
  15. brisck1

    10 tips for hl2DM that people often forget.

    Also you can grap grenades out of peoples hands. I came up on one guy who was holding a grenade upand it just grabbed it from his hand. LOL I couldnt help but laugh as he spund around in circles confused. This i threw it back in his face lol
  16. brisck1

    Wheres the crowbar???????

    I do miss the crowbar, but I think the grav-gun is the new crowbar, I mean that was the first time I ever told anyone to "Eat Car!" whilst madly zaping a car down th highstreet killing the poor people who tryed to take on the mighty car lol
  17. brisck1

    First CS:S and now HL2DM!! Major ping problems!

    how do i fix it? is it blocking that IP address it included in the error?
  18. brisck1

    First CS:S and now HL2DM!! Major ping problems!

    I've tried that, like I said, this has been happeneing since CS:S and HL2 was installed. If it is a network problem then I cant understand why Every other multiplayr game works..?
  19. brisck1

    First CS:S and now HL2DM!! Major ping problems!

    I've posted about a similar problem in the CS:S forums which never got replied to but I was too bothered back then, but now Deathmatch is here Im having exactly the same problem as before and its drinving me mad!! Basically Normal HL mods run fine in multiplayer, but source ones give me an...
  20. brisck1

    What is up with the servers!

    Yeah Im having the same problem as I had with CS:S - Only servers with huge pings show up on my server list in HL2: DM and the only way to join a high ping server is via the find servers option outside of HL2: DM and CS:S in Steam. But even then when I join a game my ping is something ridiculous...