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  1. ranmafan

    A few interesting tidbits

    Oh, a tidbit about manhacks... holding one in your Gravity Gun turns it into a whirring meat blender you can use as a battering ram. :P I used one in Nova Prospekt to carve myself a path through the security teams and antlions. xD You already knew this, right? ;)
  2. ranmafan

    Barney was going to be a villan

    Wow. I gotta see that vid! D=
  3. ranmafan

    zombies escaping Ravenholm?

    Maybe they don't want the cities getting infested by mawmen... and you don't see it, but maybe they have machine gun nests to keep zombies out of the city at the edges of the Outlands too. I mean, zombies and headcrabs do get in from time to time but at least they're kept down to a manageable...
  4. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    It's all conjecture at this point, my good man. But I remember that in Darkside55's original thread (go read the file he wrote on headcrabs!), Marc Laidlaw (cuz he laid down the law, baby!) wrote to one of them (or was it in his document?) that the Poison Headcrab, at least, evolved on Earth...
  5. ranmafan

    HL2 Crashing (firewall questions)

    I read somewhere in the forum that HL2 DM seems to affect the crashing rate too. I uninstalled CS and DM to be safe and it runs better now.
  6. ranmafan

    A few interesting tidbits

    Nice. I never really bothered to stay in Ravenholm for long though. I hate headcrabs more than I hate the zombies.
  7. ranmafan

    Judith Mossman: Judas or bad PR?

    If Valve can make everyone so hard up over their characters, then yes, they seem to have done a perfect job. (as usual? xD) Hm. Mossman IS a repentful double agent (I believe she worked both sides, not just Breen's). I think she'll be the one who dies though. The final redemption, poetic no?
  8. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    Ah, I don't think Adrenaline is useful when the host's brain is not functioning to receive it. The human body when forced under certain chemical stimuli to work can perform miracles, but if I'm right, doesn't Adrenaline affect the brain first, causing it to send signals to the rest of the body...
  9. ranmafan

    HL2 crashes. ><

    Hey, it worked! I quit the program causing the problems and now I can play HL2 without getting crashes! =D Thanks!!!
  10. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    My theories on some of the aliens: Darkside wrote that for the Fast Zombies, they discarded/removed most of the nonessential body parts to streamline the body for speed. However, I believe that the Fast Headcrab remained some of the original Headcrab's essential ability to metabolize and/or...
  11. ranmafan

    HL2 crashes. ><

    Wow, thanks. Now I know what to disable when I play HL2. =P
  12. ranmafan

    HL2 crashes. ><

    Just reinstalled HL 2 recently and started playing. Quite regularly it simply hangs and refuses to quit unless I alt+tab really fast. Happens randomly, esepcially when I quicksave. I use the system's default settings. Yes, I downloaded HL2 DM, CS, and Lost Coast. I'm running it off Steam. I...
  13. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    Oh? Damn, I've missed out on a lot of HL canon here. Can someone give me a link?
  14. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    I think the Antlions are from a Combine world. The Combine seem more familiar with their existence (although given the 7 year thing it shouldn't be a big issue). More likely it's because Xen is nothing but floating rocks, and Antlions can't seem to burrow through rock very well.
  15. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    I don't mind. =P More stuff to read. My only regret is that I still can't upload this to the forum proper. ;) *hintRARhint* If you're doing it, here's something to get you started - I'd originally intended to do the HL2 studies with the story as such: Dr. Smith has been brought out of a...
  16. ranmafan

    Fishgig goes through a combine soldier?

    You can find one of these in the map just before you fight your first Antlion Guard (was it called Sandtraps?) and get the bugbait, but killing the Antlion Guard with this thing screws up the game. I believe you can find another on your way up towards Nova Prospekt, at the Fishing Boat Zombies.
  17. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    Haha, that's cool. Thanks for the praise man. I do apologize for the Barnacle though, I swear when I looked it up on PlanetHalfLife I never saw Valve's explanation for it (it never moves, it'll die if detached and the base dries, etc. etc. etc.) but hey, guess it makes for interesting reading...
  18. ranmafan

    How do barnacles move?

    I just posted my take on barnacles. xD Take a look!
  19. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    After reading this through again, I realize how many typos I made. -_-
  20. ranmafan

    Half Life Fauna Study

    Hi there! After recently coming across Dark55's excellent headcrab study document, I remembered that I'd done something similar for Half Life to celebrate Half Life 2's announcement all those years ago. ;) (feels like it anyway) I shared this with the GameFAQs community but never got around to...