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  1. ranmafan

    New info from the gameplay videos

    Oh cool! We finally see the inside of an Antlion nest! Well, bioluminescence isn't so far fetched. It may be the Antlions eat bioluminescent fungi, or something they eat relies on the glowy bits for some reason. No reason why they can't have glowy bits. ;) But... wow. I didn't get Episode 1...
  2. ranmafan

    zombies escaping Ravenholm?

    I have a theory about headcrabs: They can issue simple 'desires' to the host brain, and then the brain (what's left of it) will attempt to fulfil that order according to its most basic abilities/knowledge. The Zombines may simply be acting on the headcrab's demand of 'kill now!'. utilizing its...
  3. ranmafan

    Upload file formats?

    Er... it's kind of my version of what Dark55 did. I did it a couple of years ago before HL2 came out. It's a bunch of PDF files actually. ^^u
  4. ranmafan

    Everything you wanted to know...

    I haven't read your headcrab writeup yet Darkside, but in my version that I wrote for GameFAQs, it isn't impossible for Headcrabs to have not one central brain, but a series of nerve clusters that act collectively like a brain. Insects have them, and utilize them in different ways. Their...
  5. ranmafan

    Upload file formats?

    Sorry, but might I suggest that a .rar format be added? I have some files I wish to upload but they exceed 100kb (200kb or so ea), and the ability to upload multiple .RAR files within the 100kb limit would be great! I hope for a favourable reply. Cheers!
  6. ranmafan

    zombies escaping Ravenholm?

    Hot damn, I did something like that for the GameFAQs forum once I heard HL 2 was being released! (I even sent it to ValvE for some odd reason. =P) Hmm.... lemme go find it.
  7. ranmafan

    Best Zombie

    Classic Zombie. They're fun to look at and kill, they can toss things at you that aren't headcrabs, plus, they can actually get blown in half AND STILL KEEP COMING!!! xD That wins the top marks in my book! (P.S - Didn't buy Episode 1 [costs a bomb when converted to local currency] so I can't...
  8. ranmafan

    woot Gravity gun wins best weapon!

    I agree with the gravgun's #1 spot. Now boxes and barrels aren't just obstacles to stop my bullets... they BECOME my bullets. xD Really changes things tons and tons! (heh, combine bullets. =P)
  9. ranmafan

    How do headcrabs replicate?

    I have a feeling that the 'Suppresor field' used to prevent human reproduction prevents headcrab zombies from developing too far into the Gonarch stage, since it HAS been several years since some of them probably got crabbed, and not even a single Gonome in sight? The mouths aren't even well...
  10. ranmafan

    On the Crossbow...

    The rebar causes a short circuit when placed in the nook... there IS a battery there.
  11. ranmafan

    Hl2 Sp Alpha Mod Released: Pilotable Strider

    I found a silly trick! :P Use Impulse 101 to get the HEV, then pilot the strider. Now, use zoom and press the fire key. Have fun!
  12. ranmafan

    HL2 SP MAP RELEASE: Antlion Troopers

    Absolutely Awesome. Looking forwards to part 2. BTW, all I did was stick 3 turrets behind the ammo box, two on the opposite end, crouch by the ammo box and I don't even have to fire a shot. Everything dies in midair. I only have to shoot once in a while to keep my turrets standing. xD
  13. ranmafan

    Antlions Can't Swim

    Think man! How many resistance members have already said they're gonna mate? The Earth is gonna be FLOODED with rugrats!
  14. ranmafan

    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    I see Barrels. Where's my gravgun!?!?!
  15. ranmafan

    What does Breen know? *Ending Spoilers*

    Well, let's assume this: Gordon cares for Earth and its people. (Well, at least some people.) G-Man strikes a bargain with the resistance. I give you Freeman's help, you gain freedom, happiness, and everything Gordon would like you to gain. In return, G-Man gets a happy and...
  16. ranmafan

    All Knowing Vortigant Convo Text

    Corporeal form - Physical, solid form
  17. ranmafan

    Evil Mr.Breen or whatever

    Well, once you reach the very top, just grab and toss the energy spheres at the metal plates in the green glowing mass of energy. Otherwise just keep tossing them at random and you'll eventually hit something.
  18. ranmafan

    Familiar structure at Nova Prospekt

    I suppose it's a very common construction method for cliffsides. :E But good comparison. At least it's got a solid basis.
  19. ranmafan

    Animated Sprays...

    Right: Here's how to make an animated spray based on my experience. Basic step - Run either HL2DM or CSS first. This will create the necessary files and directories from the Steam cache so you don't get lost. 1. Backup ALL the .DLL files in your...
  20. ranmafan

    Spawn airboat with gun i know how!

    VERY nice find. :thumbs: