are you talking about who is the g-man or what he is doing and can do ? If we are talking about his abilities it simply can be explained by science fiction ideas, such as teleportation, but if we are talking about who is he and where he is come from it's not a science it's a story & character...
english isn't my native language so I don't know many terms in eglish, thanks for the tip. Everything is simple, G-Man is unattainable, influential and mysterious person due to technological advancements and abilities, the half-life story is a science fiction game so there won't be any magic...
I'm writing the unified theory now in ep3 section, the main idea of G-Man I want to explain that he is "nothing", he was just created for moving the story forward, figuratively speaking he is a mover of story. VALVe devised that character as unattainable influential character in the half-life...
Maybe you're right. But as I said, the reason why I've choosed the EMF for that theory cuz it is mentioned in different science-fiction works as opportunity to teleport and it is also has some indirect links with the Borealis, so why don't VALVe make something like that in Episode Three.
I wonder why VALVe choosed an "Android" term for the these test subjects in Portal game. In science-fiction genre an android is a robot or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human. In Portal games they doesn't look like a human but at least they act like a human. Who knows maybe...
Thanks, I can't register there, it is said "registration has been disabled by the administrator", so if I edit that theory here, could you also edit it in black mesa forums, ok ?