I'm finding the opposite. It could be because mmos and rts aren't my bag, but I really can't see a reason to upgrade. It would only take one arcady online shooter that looks good. Just one! A decent skill based online PC shooter that doesn't involve ironsights and vehicles and that isn't...
You sound like a man who wants to be told that yes, he should go out and buy a 3ds right now goddamnit!
It depends how many times or how recently you've played it. I haven't played OoT in years and, while it's all familair, it's not so familair that I remember what to do and it's nearly as...
My only gripe isn't a proper gripe at all - it's being torn between 2d with aa, which looks so lovely and crisp and is obviously more suited to looking around with the gyroscope, or 3d without, but with all the fancy effects. They're moments that look so good in 3D - after you've beat a boss and...
I'm going to try and contain my inner Nintendo fanboy and refrain from the usual hyperbole that trails after OoT.
This is the best handheld game ever made!
Gone is the framerate that makes you flinch and the muddy textures - OoT 3DS is smooth, crisp and bright. It's the best looking...
Same. The later games in the series rarely had that.
I'd like the new aliens to be completely seperate from the main story - leaving MC all alone in strange place with nothing but whatever weird guns he can find and bugs to stomp.
Apparently not. Other than the detachable screen - pokemon battles in the playground anyone? - everything looks standard. Not long until we find out for sure :)
The rumours keep coming, and these sound too good to be true. MASSIVE pinch of salt required:
'The System:
?Uses a custom IBM triple-core CPU running at 3.6GHz per core
?The development kit contains 1gb RAM, but Nintendo have hinted that the console will actually have 1.5gb
I'm hoping for a return to Mario 64. Which is what it's been sold as so far - Mario 64 meets SMG with a bit of SMB3. Just seeing that in writing makes me want to fap furiously.
I've no problem with regen health for some fps - it encourages risk taking - but the weapon limit seems a little odd. This isn't Halo in which you're carefully picking a weapon combo for a given siutation, it's mindlessly shooting everything in sight.
Serious Sam is the new Duke.
I've got measured hopes for Prey 2. The first got the basics right and a recent Edge preview that touched on how the portals and gravity flipping have been exchanged for open world, Mirror's Edge style gameplay (with guns :)) makes it sound more than your generic shooter. The controls are meant...
It's like really exciting and not at all exciting at the same time. Woo - I get to play awesome games! That i've played before.
Now, when's OoT coming out on the 3DS?!
The music's great - I regret not getting the soundtrack edition now. It sounds like Perfect Dark! It looks like the Perfect Dark ui. It's like Perfect Dark meets Ghost in the Shell, Deus Ex and Lazer Squad - all with Syndicate's callous disrgard for life. I can play it at home, on my netbook...