Try playing Perfect Dark on the N64 and on the 360 - those minute adjustments that make it easy to take out cameras don't even register on the 360 pad. Such tiny movement don't register in any 360 game. The Dual Shock is considerably worse. Try playing Super Monkey Ball on the GC and then on...
Yeah, with it's HUGE dead zone and analogue stick in the wrong place ;) The only problem with the N64 pad was the analogue sticks wore out too quickly - control wise it was clearly superior. The N64 stick is actually more precise and has less of a dead zone than the analogue sticks on the 360...
Tim Amstrong: Wake up
More ska and less punk then you'd expect from one of Rancid's front men. A lovely summer album.
I doubt the battery life is short for a sinister reason - there's alot of hardware being crammed into a tiny case. People said the same thing about the PSP. Other than on a long plane journey - when do you need more than 3-5 hrs for a handheld? My commute is an hour which leaves time to spare...
Nice footage compilation:
Goddamn Nintendo - this'll be the 3rd time i've bought OoT and i'm still excited about it!
Knee jerk motion control reaction, or you just don't like the idea? I'd rather choose exactly where my fire wall goes than have the computer work it out for me.
If it nails the speedy arcade of things there should be enough demand. My concern is the core gameplay will be too similar to the CoDs of this world (i.e slow and random) to stand out, and not enough RTCW (i.e fast and awesome) for the ex quake/rtcw/et junkies.
You wouldn't have to flail the wiimote or Move or whatever around like a loony. Just little swipes of the wrist - your arm wouldn't have to leave the arm rest. Regardless, I don't see how it would be possible to have both types of control without limiting motion control and gameplay to the level...
I know that was written in jest, but that is precisely what 1st person melee combat needs. Being able to accuractely attack joins in armour, stab through eye slots, cut off heads and hands. Anyone who has played the fruit slicing game in Resort will know how precise and accurate motion control...
I went for the UK version - it was a close call, but i'm done with importing now the £ has gone to shit.
Not the mercs one. I think it's called Resident Evil: Revelations.
I wouldn't go quite that far. More involved than Oblivion's, sure, but the combat in Dark Messiah wasn't that great (although it never got boring kicking ppl to their doom :)). Melee combat can get a whole lot better.
That's just what i'm advocating, however it does clash with the traditional way of doing things as player skill plays as much a role as charatcer skill. In the days of yore everything was determined by a stat. Now, when we tell our charatcer to dodge, dexterity or perception or whatever stat it...